Set 'em up and knock 'em down. The Debt Brigade was out in full force offering up some of the more vile AVs in the back alleys, sewers, offices, and streets of Paragon. Nosferatu, Diabolique, Malaise--the list was long and the debt, at times, ran high. Main toons, alts, and a few friends and guests showed up to haul them in for crimes against humanity. Yup, AV Saturday had its moments such as this fine scene captured in this photo. It depicts a hard working Tech-Blade chiseling away at Nosferatu, while Silver Age Baba (aka Red Booty) supervises. "Good job Tech-Blade, " Red Booty was heard barking, "watch your posture!" A good mentor always looks for improvements. A good sidekick never posts pictures and goofs on them. Well folks thanks for showing up in droves. It was great fun as always. Thanks to my great mentor Tech for keeping me alive, especially when I was afk and on auto-pilot where rumor has it the SG noted I was a better player.
I have some temporary duty to conduct field training to prep one of our units for Iraq, so I will be out of pocket for a week or so. Until then, stay clean.
Baba "Red Booty" Kanoosh
PS Statesman was invited to this blog. He will be here in 10 minutes.
We didn't say you were a better player, we just said you died a lot less! ::grin::
Thanks for playing host!
Yes, the event was awesome! There was butt kicking all over the place, oh yea...we got in a few hits too. I can't believe you picked Tech to follow, after all his nick name is Debt-Blade!lol
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