Great job on Citadel TF guys!! It was a sunny day in Paragon when Citadel begged us to help him put a stop to the Zenith Mech Man dilemma. Hearing of the danger, Tech-Blade hurridly thundered home in his big rig to join us. So the six of us set out on the dark and dirty trail of the Council plan. As the day wore on however, the dark clouds roiled in as Colder kept DC'ing and Afrodiety mysteriously disappeared. I think she wound up bound and gagged in the Council jail as we were not able to contact her again. I hope when she gains consciousness she contacts us to let us know she is okay. Then new DBer, PB Doc had hair issues and we were down to but four.
Fortunately for us, we had invis and recall and were able to zip through a number of the missions in super stealth mode. Colder's computer seemed to stabilize and the Council became the dirt beneath our shoes as we tore through their ranks. Elite bosses fell like the leaves in fall, dead and lifeless before us. And when at long last we reached arch villain Vandal, through my superior sniping skills we whittled them down until only he was left. Colder put him on ice and between Chaud's lethal kicks and Tech's katana, that was all she wrote kids. Toasted.
Be warned villains all! We have heard it rumored there's a small boy being held in the caves of the Hollows. Cavern of Transcendence Trial pt 2! We will rescue him on April 15th at 11 am Pacific time. Level 12+. We need a minimum of 8 heroes and it will take approximately 1.5 hours.
What a great TF! Not only was it fun (as usual) but we breezed through was what considered "a tough AV". MVP goes to Az for her awesome pulls at the end!! I only hope we have enough prestige to meet the councils randsom demands and free Afro! Now it's off to kick some bootie in the caverns. Come on Debt Brigaders and join in the fun!
Sorry I was a no show but alas I was forced to patrol my garden for weeds and new plants. My son, Metoid reportedly hogged the compuetr and did the lvl 34 respec THRICE once he learned the xp reward was great. I am pouring water on my compture now in an effort to cool down the graphics card. I will be TDY for a few days so I hope to get a mish or two in tonight before I head out.
Man, we coasted through that TF. Even through Afro had to bail and my comp was being fussy for a bit, we completely dominated it. Nothing beats the Scrapper/Blaster combo!!
Great pulls Az! I am in love with your Blazing Bolt (Ice needs a snipe!!!)
I love how we left Vandal all alone. He must have turned around and thought, "Oh Shit..."
Tank, schmank. Healer, schmealer.
Honestly, I think the ice block was the *true winner of the most valuable power on Vandal. He hit Chaud and Tech DAMN hard when he was loose! I was like "uh oh!!" but my fear was for naught!
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