If we get bored of AVs, I may suggest doing the level 44-50 respec out of the Rikti Crash site as I'd like to get Az's build back to where it was (since I seemed to screw it up somehow! lol) Depends on time contraints I suppose. Or we can always go back to a PvP zone and take vengeance on every villain for every Assassin Strike ever struck! Baba, unbeknownest to himself, is very valuable as part of team (so long as he stands near the back...) ::smile:: That singularity in and of itself can stop a stalker cold.

I really need to spend some more time in Bloody Bay! Have some Shivians to kill and some villians to hunt. I also need to set off that dang rocket in Warburg. Every player is helpful in PVP, especially if you can tp to get your teammates back after some sneaky villian tp's them away. Healers especially because they can grant CM!Ü Monster hunting is also slowly moving to the top of my list, followed closely by paying lower levels for those badge missions I missed.lol
I'm not sure how well recall friend works in PvP. I know I used it with Dunizelin Siren's a few times and it was definitely twitchy. And they definitely don't come upon death. No rez for you! lol I also have tp foe on her, so that might make things fun. :D
Hey nice pic. I guess imitation really *is the highest form of flattery ::grin::
Recall friend works just like it always does while you're in the PvP zones. There's no difference between Recall Friend in Bloody Bay, and Recall Friend in Steel Canyon.
Does anyone know if theres a badge for giant monsters?
I'm always up for fighting archvillans tho :) except for Infernal...You're on your own for him!
Badges for certain monsters! I was just hanging in Zulu today getting my badge and thought this looked awesome! lol Recall friend worked fine for me in Warburg.
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