This post is mainly so I can have a cool picture whenever I make another post. But I will take advantage of it to say thanks to Az for accidently inviting me to this SG. It was a while ago and I was slumming around Steel when I got this invite for a team. Then I got an invite for a SG, which I said what the hell, I am new to this game and haven't really checked out this SG thing. Az went on to tell me the invite was meant for someone else but I was welcome to stay. I have a few other toons and they are in randow scatterings of groups but none as helpful as ours. Well, my wife has a good crew in SG, one of our coalition members. That said my wife just reminded me she needs to log on so off I go.
Great pic Baba!
I'm glad you were "accidently" invited. You've proven yourself in the SG and I think you're the only Gravity Controller we have :P
Don't feel bad though...I was accidently promoted to Grand Pooh Bah by Lost. I said he could take it back but he said I deserved it anyways.
Suffice it to say, I think we have a great tight group. Aren't we all glad we picked the Triumph server when we made our toons? :D
Agreed, our sg rocks!! Nice pic Baba and I'm glad your in the sg too. I've been in a few that sucked and finally got tired of them, Doc Mercy and Ngine talked me into quitting mine and joining the DB and I've been having fun ever since! My only problem is I only have one toon slot left on Triumph, I need more room!!
That can't be true! Can it? I do remember sending a tell to the wrong person inviting them to the SG once but that wasn't you. Was it?
Well, if it *is true, boy it was the *best mistake I EVER made! :D Can't imagine not having the Baba humor that enlivens our group! So you're welcome and thank you back for being an intregal part of us
I'm in one different SG with Dunizel (Alpha Team - they're active and nice) but all my villain groups I barely feel a part of. Caste of Set is okay but the others are just a matter of convenience really. Maybe I should just move everyone into the Death Brigade? :D
Much love to all.
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