The Respec went extremely well. I guess all those months of in-fighting and name calling really built up team unity because we cleared through the respec quite effortlessly. We had five SGer's and a friend of mine, King of Pyres, join in on the radioactive fun. Tech-Blade, Chaud Woman, Azrhiaz, Baba Kanoosh, King of Pyres, and myself all decided to get irradiated Saturday morn/afternoon. Afro was suppose to make it but got occupied so the MVP goes to Baba for his heals.
I took the respec and got around to using it earlier today. Here's what I've gained/dropped:
Dropped: Combat Jumping, Ice Storm, Shiver, Cold Mastery (Flash Freeze)
Gained: Stealth, Invisibility, Freezing Touch, Munitions Mastery (Cryo Freeze Ray)
I also made sure I took Fly at 14. Even though the Postitron TF is out of the way I want my travel power as early as possible in case we some som low lvl shennanigans.
So now I have 4 holds (one melee) which I'm excited as heck about. Both Ice sets give you a nice pseudo-control aspect which I love. Sure, Freezing Touch is melee, but I've heard a good tip about leaving it on auto-fire so as soon as a goon comes up to you (which they invariably do), you have a nice way to counter them.
A part of me wanted to keep Cold Mastery because of my ice theme, but I found Flash Freeze not that effective. The other 3 didn't seem that interesting either. I went with Munitions Mastery beacause a) another single target no less :D b) Body Armor isn't a bad option for a squishy like me and c) I finally get a snipe move with LRM Missle!
I'm not crazy with carrying around that junkyard supersoaker but I decided to be practical this time around.
Finally, everyone has been dogging me to talk about our official SG mascots. Thanks to a mission that involved rescuing 3 Rikti Monkeys, we now have our newest in-joke. Meet Pogo, who is also standing in for Mr. Wiggles and Chippers (they went down faster than a Regen Scrapper). You 3 better be in SG mode ;P