I hope everyone had a great double xp weekend! I'm sure levels were gained and sleep was lost :D
I went up a few on two alts so thanks to everyone who teamed with me!
Now, the DB really wanted to cap things off so we ran the Justin Augustine TF in Zulu. It was a blast! We cut through all the hunts rather easily being lvl 50 and all (good call by Azzie on printing out the maps...quit blacking out my Chantry map damn game!)
We tore through all the mobs pretty handily (mostly yellows and oranges) and I think we only had about 3 deaths total. I almost bit it when I just had to shoot at the crystal imprisoning Faatham. I'm proud to say that swallowing about 6 greens can help you survive a CoT onslaught :P
Sunday was also quite the day for milestones! Ebon Mauler and Slasheery hit 50, Tech earned 1 freakin' million prestiege, and the Justin TF was the last TF on Az's list!
Talk about a dedicated group! Gratz to everyone on their accomplishments and with Issue 9 coming soon, I'm sure there will be more to be had! Statesman's Task Force is calling out names...
Before I sign off, here's a special gift to everyone since we all love Zulu so much!

Dr. Freud, we thank you :P
That was a great weekend :D
Just one thing there Cold, thats not Ebon in the pic....its Garl!
Garl DARKLord...
EBON Mauler...
All the synonyms for dark stuff got me confused :hides from all scrappers:
Now was that the monument with 6 um, what was it you called it, appendages? :D
yes, great weekend all! Grats to all who leveled and mucho kudos to Tech-Blade. :salutes: I'm thinking he deserves his *own monument. Although maybe not a Zulu type! :D
Well, the TF was pretty fun. Would have been a lot better if I had fly mind you. Note to self, Chantry and FBZ stink with SS. Don't go there ever again! Special thanks to Amethyst Archer and Chaud Woman for all the tp's. As for Tech... holy cow. 1 mill that rocks! Colder, no need to hide, I have seen your kill numbers on raids. Put us in a really small room where you cant fly or run away and maybe we can talk. :)
Ooooo Garl just called you out Coldie! And he even suggested you'd run away!! D'OH!
Everybody place your bets!!
Ooooh....Scrapper vs Blaster...I think we all know how this ends.
-Activating Ice Blast
-Your Ice Blast deals 300 dmg...but what's the point because he's about to regenerate it in about two seconds!
-Activating Freeze Ray
-Your Freeze Ray deals 4 dmg but it won't hold him because he as Integration on...sorry!
-Garl Darklord's Shaadow Maul hits you for 800 points of dmg!
(Go to Hospital) (Go to Base)
Then again, maybe I could hit Brawl and have his toggles drop :P
P.S. Cappy, send me your email ingame. I can't seem to find it within the blog.
This TF started out fun and then it was full of sorrow, anger, despair, guilt and pain, etc. The horror! Ptah! Woot, what a good time. Nice easy TF with lots of fun! Great monument pic Coldie! :) Gratz to everyone who hit 50, or a million bijillion prestige! :) This was Chaud's last TF too (until i9) who would like to join her in killing all the AV's in RV next??
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