Weekend events! Saturday evening we are thinking of running the Lord Recluse Strike Force. Level 45-50 villains. If you plan on coming, make sure you get a shivan! Also please post of whether you are just interested in running it (non optimal team) or you want to beat it. If so, we'll have to go to the boards and recruit a rad and/or a kinetic corrupter.
Sunday afternoon, say around 2pm pacific, Justin Augustine TF in Zulu! This one will probably be full but we'll play it by ear and see who shows up! It's the very last taskforce for many of us, so let's make it a good one! Should take about 3 hours.
I think the patch is hitting today since servers went down this morning for maintenance. So yay, first secure plot, here we come!!
Who can help me get Ahne's money off him before I remake him?
I should be able to make it to the Sunday TF because it's Heroes. Unfortunately, I don't have a lvl 50 Villain to get in on the SF. Poor Tyrant has too many mothballs on him!
How rude of me....GRATZ MEG! Please don't mace me for not congratulating you in the first comment :P
Gratz Meg, now you can wait for issue 32 for level 51!
Gratz Meg!!! I can't do the Sat TF, but I am definately in on the Sunday. Let me know if there is anything going on Sun morn. I can help you do the money thing Az if no one else has. Let me know...
Grats Megs! I'll try to be there for the Sunday tf, not so sure if I can do the one on Saturday tho. I'll try, but its no garantee.
Oooo...I'm hoping to be in for both! :) Be nice if I could get some decent play time in, between appointments and the kids getting sick my toons are gonna need a major dusting.
Gratz Meg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So far for Justin, we have:
Chaud Woman
Garl Darklord
Tech (I'm assuming)
One space left. Ame, Cap, Deep, Baba? Who wants it?
TF starts at 2 pm Pacific.
I'm in for Justin Azr, I'll be there
YES! It finally took! I can post again!
Thanks all. :) Sometimes I'd never thought I'd see fifty on that li'l ice tank...
Now. What to make next? Suggestions? preferably something fun and interesting that levels slightly faster than a mace tank.
Depends Meg...you a solo player or a team player? For solo I love scrappers, teams could be anything, but trollers are fun....course so are defenders and blasters, then there's always the BP/WS option...hmmm wonder why I have so many toons. :)
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