Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good News in Latest Patch

Rent has FINALLY been overhauled!

Base Rent Overhaul
Base Rent is now calculated solely on your plot size. The larger the plot, the larger the rent. Secure plots also pay more rent, due to the number of defenses they are allowed to have. When they are re-introduced, Items of Power will reduce the amount of Rent due.

Existing supergroups will see this change take place immediately, but it is not retroactive. No supergroups will be receiving refunds for rent already paid.

So instead of paying 300,000 in rent, we will be paying 43,000!! Wow! What a difference!! Death Brigade will pay NOTHING in rent! Even when we finally get a secure plot, we'll be paying a lot less than we have been. Yay!

The patch is currently on test. There are also some changes in animations and other stuff you may be interested in, so read the patch notes here.


Colder said...

Woot...cheaper rent! Does that mean I don't have to play in SG mode anymore? :P

My god...I can hear Az gritting her teeth as I typed that...

Azrhiaz said...

Well considering you hardly ever play anymore it won't matter either way! HA!!


It would be nice to get the first secure plot so we can have more than one IoP but if you don't want that, then don't play in SG mode. :D Muah

Garl said...

What is this Super Group mode you are speaking of? :-/