I figured I'd head over to the test this morning and do a little radio mission. The basic missions are just like villians...i.e. rescues, defeats, find an object. After doing 5 of these missions I got a save PI from vandals mission. First objective is to stop villians from robbing the bank you have 5 mins (your right Az this was a bit hard!) little bug was playing Tech, so we headed to the bank. We arrived just in time to see some huge brute by the name of Critical Mass headed out of the bank, slammed me up against the doors and I was a gonner, thank goodness for revive. :) Little bug and I smacked his big Energy butt down! woot bank saved and we get a nice temp power! Then the counter starts at 15 mins, there are vandals destroying the city (carnies and malta...can you say Blues please!) the vandals hotspots appear on the map and you have to get them quick or they vandalize to much and your outta there. Finally, we located our first "talkies" and uncovered a sinister plot to blow up an office building. Four bombs to disarm in 6 mins. woot! We were able to disarm the bombs, stop an arms deal, stopped the arson, and save the pawn shop! After an hour in the mission we decided PI was saved from evil. :)
P.S. while doing a croatoa mission yesterday Zan encountered these hostages that just wouldn't leave her alone! When they said "We won't forget it" they meant it, stalkers!! Sword and I had fun tping Zan all over the map to see if they would follow, they did...I even tp'd myself in this tree and they climbed it! rofl Just remember...be careful who you rescue!

LOL! Well, Zandryne is a noted celebrity, you'll just have to get a bigger entourage, I guess! LOL You have rabid fans, scare all the PvPers away, and do great things all over Paragon! Truly a hero!
the safeguard mission sounds interesting, but kinda complicated. I'll have to try that when i8 finally gets out
Not to bad cap, at least there weren't hords of Longbow chasing us all around. :)
Well Dark Crisis (sword) saved a hostage and he left, don't know why these three decided to become my fan club, musta been the bubbles. lol
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