Well it was a long 2 weeks of preparing for what promised to be the raid of the year! Toons were played so that levels could be reached and prestiege earned for new weaponry. Warburg was farmed for rad pistols and the base was reconstructed completely! Debt Brigade was edgy but ready to meet the Riders of Apocalypse in battle. So we waited. And waited. And waited.
After a brief 10 minute foray in the red room with our enemy, the waiting began anew. Zandryne took some Vicodan to ease her nerves about the "Kill the bubbler!" cries from the Riders. We continued to wait.
Riders apparently had a ton of DCs. We, fortunately, did not. They never made it back to the base. They apologized profusely for the issues and requested a rematch.
Alas, the common quote amongst the team was that RoA were scared. I didn't say it, but I know who did! :grin: But perhaps they should be? Because we all know it's better to give, than to receive! Grats to all who dished it out, who earned a ton of prestiege, leveled their toons, farmed for rad pistols, downloaded vent and/or tested the defenses! Hopefully, our rematch will be more satisfying.
Eden trial sometime this weekend. Stay tuned.
Oh and btw. . .

Great showing by everyone (for the 10 minutes of battle at least :)
A rematch is definitely in order! Kudos to the Riders for trying their best in continuing the fight with all of those DC's.
I can't believe that Az sneaked by both Deep and I on the kill list...how underhanded :P
Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Chaudy!! Don't pass out from trying to blow out all of your candles :P
Sigh, after all that vicodan I can't believe they didn't come back and kill me a few more times! :) Poor Zan all bubbled up and no place to go.
Next time we might let them in the base...maybe!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Don't worry, Tech got me an oxygen tank so I'd be okay blowing out the candles. :)
Definitely looking forward to next time...
Happy Birthday Chaud!
Happy Birthday Chaud!!!(prunes!)
Sorry I missed the raid, boss called me in to work because "Someone has to work the computers" lol. From what azr and chaud told me, I didn't miss much action beyond a few mins worth.
If there was a Marilyn Monroe emote I would do it for you Chaud..."Happy Biiirrth Day Mr Presideent...."
iFelize Cumpleanos Chaud!
Hope it was great!
sorry I missed out on all the fun-
So Very Happy Birthday Chaud!!
Did they give you enough candles on that cake? LOL
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