Sunday afternoon we gathered around the Woodsman in Eden, seems Hami had captured some heroes and it was our job to free them!
First, was the little DE hunt...200 of them! And then we headed inside the depths of the DE's subterranean tunnels, with the 4 hour timer ticking. The only fun thing about these tunnels is the awesome free falls, as you fall deeper and deeper into the cave. Once in we were met with the rock wall (AV) which spawns boulder and carin, that wall musta be build by some mighty tough rock cause it wasn't going down. Mag tried to keep the 2 Quarries (GM's) off us. Lumi, Da Zi, and Ame tired to keep us alive and get rid of the boulders, while Tzad and I (thorn) smacked at that wall. Once the wall was down we headed in, but those dang Quarries kept following us. So we headed back out...Tzad and Lumi hovered precariously over one of those awesome holes and blasted at the Quarries, down the holes they fell, don't hit the sides on your way down boys! :)
We headed for the mold wall (AV), now that's a science project gone awry! The lichen had to be taken out first, I'd tell ya how that went but I was stung by an angry swarm on the way and was stuck sitting in the dark cave all alone, one sting and -fly, -tp, -recharge...I couldn't fly and no one could tp me, I had 18 stings so I danced around and did a bit of yoga before continuing on. I arrived just in time to catch the last remnants of lichen being zapped out. The mold wall was...well moldy..it also spawns boulders, etc...but eventually we "broke the mold"! (that bad pun was put in just for Cap!)
Then down the hole we jumped again and landed by some really nice waterfalls. We were faced with the incredible task of clearing away the DE from this room...a huge amphitheater for the Crystal Titan (AV) to deliver his speeches to the hundreds of minions gathered there. Mag rounded up group after group as we blasted, held and spined them to death. Finally, reaching the back of the room where the heroes were held captive in cocoon type prisons, there was a spines (quill) , a rock tank (slate), a storm (gale) and one more I don't remember...I can tell you how they were captured, however, these heroes only attack if you bring the DE very close to them, no travel powers! Poor things, didn't even have sprint!

Once all the DE were killed, oddly the Titan never noticed all his minions were being picked off, we headed up to kick some Titan butt! Now this Titan has a foot stomp that deals over 2k worth of damage so you need some special inspirations (ambrosia) in order to survive, which you get from killing DE in the caves, we had some left over from the last attempt at this trial so we didn't pick up extras, bad move! I'm not sure what happened next it was all a blur of dying, rezing, more dying, let's just say that Titan wasn't done with his speech and he didn't like being interrupted. All out of ambrosia and wakes we headed out to the base to restock and regroup, on the up side we got to jump back down the holes again. :) Then we started killing some DE to earn more ambrosia's, once we had a lot we were about to head back to the Titan when a swarm blew in, intermission while we wait for travels to come back! Once again we entered the amphitheater, this time with no minions to talk to the Titan gave Lumi the bird (I saw it!). We popped the ambrosia and started smacking that big rock down...he didn't go easy, but a few ambrosia's, and a couple shivans, later his speech was done, no encores! I got a shiny new enhancement a quartz... Kinda like a mini Hami (I got a damage/range). A fun trial!! Oh I had a few ambrosias left over so I put them in the base storage for the next suckers...I mean team...who wants to do this. :)

p.s. It's not letting me load pics on here, so I'll have to have Az do it later. :)
-added for ya :)
Oh suuure....do a trial without me, see if I care.....;) LOL I got the pun chaud, careful or azr might delete the post! I don't recall ever getting a quartz thing for doing this one, is that new?
Rock on DE stompers!
If you are in the level range (39-41) you get the drop. We did it as 50s, so no droppie for you! :)
You are always welcome to come with Cap. You were out enjoying the real world on Sunday I imagine? :)
Damn real world kept me from a Trial?!?!
Damn you real world!!
:shakes fist:
Great job guys! That mold wall brings back painful memories!
Nice summary Chaud. :)
It was definitely fun. I think the rooms in this trial are just awesome. There's nothing like the feeling of walking a few steps after dropping down the holes to the bottom and realizing just how big the room is. I tried to get a few screenshots of the Titan but, even with the camera zoomed all the way out, I could not get him entirely on my screen.
Cap and Colder, we missed you. I'd be game for doing this one again since I think we could do it even faster next time. Or... we could always come up with another equally fun task force or trial to do instead.
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