Congratulations to our newest Fifty!! Garl Darklord finally made the big bad in Warburg last night! Great job!
I offered up Dec 2nd or 3rd to Shadow Empire for the raid and said maybe around 3 pm. How's that working for everyone?
We are getting closer to getting back into shape for the Riders raid. Great prestiege earning all! So far for the raid I have:
me, Chaud, Colder, Elite, Evincar, Sword, Megeara, Tech, Rulltran, Violet, Baba, Garl, Incredible Sam
-(possibles)Deep, Ebon, Project, Lost, Makin' Debt, Metoid, Ulti-Chica
Did I miss anyone?
Manticore tomorrow at 3 pm Pacific hosted by Rulltran!
Gratz Garl! It's good to have another 50 in our midst :D
Gratz on 50!!!
Makin Debt is a definite maybe, she has her college term paper due and is hoping to have it wrapped up prior to the raid. She says not to count onher but if there is room at the raid and she can make it, she will be there.
I might be comming so put me down
OK time to bust out Ulti-Chica...with Riza leading the Vixens in prestige...well enough said...SO, I will gladly try to get Ulti to par so that i can make the raid...Did i miss the raid with Apocalypse?? what happened to that?? :::chica having a sr. moment::: sorry if i missed anything. But will see ya all soon.
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