More importantly, Riders of the Apocalypse have officialy accepted our invitation to raid. I have put forth a tenative date of November 19th (a Sunday) around 4 pm Pacific. Gear up boys and girls, it's gonna get NASTY! :grin: We will have to guard the generator well, and I think most of you know why! If we can make 1.5 million prestiege in the next two weeks, we will be able to upgrade to a secure energy room. This would be a super addition to the base because it allows for 2 more weapons. I think we're gonna need 'em!
*Also have put forth an invitation to Shadow Empire, a pvp oriented villain group. Get ready to rumble! Get those toons leveled and earn some prestiege so we can put down more weapons!
P.S. Great job on Silver Mantis SF all!
Veteran Rewards on Test! The wings are REALLY cool. Azzie has to wait some yet, but here is her in a trench coat (with belly shirt) and sporting the new fat ponytails with disco shirt.

Couldn't seem to find the extra base details open to me. They should be in Add Personal Item but they weren't but the base still seemed a bit bugged (things were crooked and the teleporter beacons wouldn't atach). And I'm not sure yet how to claim my permanent new weapon or pick a special sprint look. But hey, I'm gonna be late to work now! damn. . .!
Great job all...everyone went so smoothly! I love how badly we bum rushed the boss...I didn't even see him do anything!!!
Yes, nice job all. The 19th might be a bit tricky for us...will have to see. Just a 1.5 mil more...no prob. :)
Well it's either that or I can put down a choke point in front of the energy room which can house 2 weapons. We have enough *just about enough for that option, but the energy room would be better.
Guess we have to get off Justice and play at home. :)
Will try to be there, not sure if I can make it tho. So much to do, never enough time to accomplish anything
I took a look at the vet rewards today. The wings look very nice, I must say.
To access the vet rewards, you need to first open your badges screen. From there, select the Veteran tab. After that it's pretty straightforward.
I saw one thing that grabbed my attention though... If a character has a free respec in the bank already (not used), and they claim one or more of the free respecs from vet rewards, is the current free respec overwritten or are they separate free respecs? Although I did not have time to test this out, based on how previous free respecs have worked, I assume any free respec will be overwritten by a vet reward free respec. As there did not appear to be a way to "unclaim" a vet reward once it had been claimed, this could mean you lose your vet reward free respec if you have not already used your currently available free respec.
I'll probably browse the official forums for more info as I'm sure someone has mentioned this little detail already.
The vet respecs are separate respecs from free respecs. This means you cannot use the /respec command to initiate a vet respec. You need to visit the regular respec contact to actually start the respec process.
There also appears to be a stacking issue when you claim both vet respecs at the same time. In this case, people are claiming they are receiving only 1 vet respec.
Also, people have reported respecs failing on Peacebringers and Warshades.
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