Wednesday, June 13, 2007

You've read it here first...unless you went to the official website


I've been looking forward to this storyline and it's finally here. I love anything that encourages our xenophobia :)


Azrhiaz said...

I'm having flashbacks from our last foray into the Sewers!

Yes, and they just closed Test down for a couple weeks so if you wanted to use it, you are s.o.l.

Dr. Earl Grey said...

They were sneaky this time, it was like..., WHAM! In your face mo fo's!

I've never felt so violated and so satisfied before in my life.

OH and who called it?!?!?

I said 35+content and RCS would get the makeover. HAH! Soo..., do I get an internet?!?!? :)

Colder said...

Oooh...sewer flashback....go away!

Having a combined zone and TF/SF is pretty cool beans...I wonder if the Rikti Crash site will permanently be open to both heroes and villains?

It does sound cool though...I like the idea of constantly being threatened in a hostile environment (random enemy falling from the sky and exploding bombs according to the website). I would love it if Rikti were being dropped all over Paragon City.

Baba Kanoosh said...

All I can say is I may not be on very much...suddenly. That is all I can say.