Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Phase One Complete

Well after a very stressful weekend on test, Uprising is at last complete! It went over pretty well and we had a decent turnout. Ahne Toreph did okay in the Lethal Lottery on Saturday night. He didn't die much, but he didn't kill that much either. Okay, I don't think he killed anyone, but I'm content with not being face down the whole time! At least for now! Metoid also tried his hand at PvP and told me he was farmed quite a bit. My last match was against him and I had logged on to vent with the team and someone cried out, "That blaster has fly! He's going DOWN!" Movement is everything apparently in PvP and I learned that all the hardcore players have SS AND SJ and if you don't, you'll have a tough time keeping up, especially on the larger maps.

I don't know. To me, hanging out with the SG and coalies in the arena seems more fun than the big zippy leap fest I witnessed on Sunday with Megeara. He and I had some fun gladiator matches near the end of the Showcase, and I had a good time smooshing his level 46 MM with Azrharn. Who knew Meg even HAD a level 46 mm!! He's been cheating on us, all! I guess I don't feel so bad about Tp Foe-ing him into the undead fellas after all! :grin: j/k

Anyway, again, a big thank you to everyone who came out and supported me and the event this weekend. I appreciate it SO much.

I also want to extend a belated birthday wish to Karrnage!


Megeara said...


I did not cheat. That poor lonely MM once had a cool VG on Victory that sadly dried up and blew away on the wind, pre-DB.

As for being smooshed, in my defense your honor, we had done several gladiator bouts in a row when suddenly there I was with no fighters. I was firing up a petition when *poof*


I was bushwacked. :P

I just sucked in the duels that followed. I did manage to get your health under half in the last one. :)


Azrhiaz said...

Well petition-writing time is a perfect time for one to swoop in and do some smooshing! :) I did pretty much bushwhack ya though. Azrharn's a tough cookie.

And yes you did! We'll have to have a few more arena nights for the fun of it.

I will be scheduling a Gladiator event in the near future for the PvPEC. Will probably put a 60 day time card up for the winner.