Thursday, June 07, 2007

Statesman the Movie star? thpppppt



Dr. Earl Grey said...

Was JUST about to post this!!

This movie could be AWESOME..., or it could flop, but you cannot go wrong with a movie about the Rikti War!!!

Sweet Jesus I think all other heroes movies just went belly up for me, despite the insane line-up coming in the next few years.

JLU, Teen Titans, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, He-Man..., Thundercats, I was looking forward to these, but a City of Heroes movie!!!!

I have found my next flick to get excited about (was following Transformers since its announcement 3 years ago) and ELAM which still have 2 or 3 years to go, despite its announcement in 2000/2001.

Azrhiaz said...

LMAO. This is bound to be a flop. They'll never get enough money to build this the right way and it's not a well enough known franchise to warrant big time investment.

God, and how boring would it be to see the Freedom Phalanx chase Rikti through the same office map over and over again? :grin:

Chaud Woman said...

Hehe...well now we know the next new AT...Transformer Tanks. I'm thinking the best part of the movie is when the Phalanx aggros a whole group of Rikti, only to notice half way through they have a portal that spawned around the corner! :)

Azrhiaz said...

I'd love to see ol' Positron smacked down by the Malta myself.

Look! It's Chaud! It's been so long! :D

Colder said...

Hopefully Uwe Boll doesn't get his hands on it. This guy is to video game movies as OJ is to spouses.

Cap said...

A Freedom Phalanx Movie??? dear nothing sacred anymore? mind you, seeing Statesman get whacked by a few Rikti would be pretty entertaining. Wonder who would play him anyway

Azrhiaz said...

Kevin Costner

Baba Kanoosh said...

Dr. Earl I hate to disappoint you, but the movie has already been NERFED. Notes say it is for TV rights not a movie.

Intro scene...Statesman is standing in line at Wentworths, waiting to pay 5 million dollars for a soda, when his Freedom Phalanx decoder goes off! He rushes to the emergency only to have to wait for....A SUBWAY TRAIN!. Obviously, the investors didn't PLAY this game enough lol.

And...ACTION what? why are all the actors moving in place? AW CRAP! Servers are down again.

Dr. Earl Grey said...

Eh, I'm not holding out for anything spectacular, even a TV series would be okay.

Although there needs to be at least one request for a PL somewhere in there baba to make it work.

Lady Dark Star said...

Baba what notes are these that you've read? From what I've read it's rights to a live action feature with a follow up on TV. As for whether it happens or not, I'm skeptical that it will get enough backing to be done right as Azr pointed out.

Azrhiaz said...

Z, I think he was being sarcastic ;)

Baba Kanoosh said...

<------------- BUSTED AGAIN

But I was readin off of...ummmmm...ah

When all else fails to amuse you, Google strange things and you shall find brief relief.

Just have net nanny :-)

Lady Dark Star said...

*runs off to look up definition of sarcasm* :D