Poster by AzrhiazHero vs Villain!!!
Blaster vs Dominator!!!
Ice vs....umm......more Ice!!!
~Paragon Sports Weekly~Family feud main events Pocket D Arenaby Chad GladleyColder has put the deep freeze down on demons and androids. He's traveled to alternate realities. He's saved the Paragon City countless times. However, his reality is about to get a little stranger as he faces down his next villain. We're not talking about Dr. Aeon or some other kind of Clockwork monstrosity. This time, he's fighting family.
"I think I know how we got this way but I'm not happy this is where it went," said Colder, taking time out of his patrols to sit down with us in a quiet cafe in Founders Falls.
You can hear the regret in his voice but also the resolve that this is something he has to do.
"She's been causing problems for a while now, saying it's because of me...that I went on to become something and she had to live in my shadow ever since. I take out villains...plain and simple. If it happens to be family, then so be it."
The words were as cold as his presence.
Colder says he didn't want to make such a spectacle out of it but reasons the arena would be the safest place for the citizens of Paragon City. He says if it's in a controlled environment, there wouldn't be any needless casualties or property damage.
"I know she would love to humiliate me in front of a crowd....beat me down you know? One on excuses. She would love that. This arena challenge works into her ego and allows me to keep everyone safe. It works out for me but also works out for her and her sick mind."
Just how did this super-powered feud come to be?
"She's my cousin and we grew up together, before we had powers, before we had any of this," he says. "One day her powers manifested and she caught me really good in the face. She was sorry at the time and was concerned but deep down I think that's when she really got her first taste of power; she realized she can affect people with her gift and unfortunately she got off on affecting people in a bad way. That trauma happened to jump start my gifts and that's when I realized I needed to protect people from that kind of power and abuse. Innocent people shouldn't be on the receiving end of such power."
His body language begins to betray his emotions as he leans back in his chair and looks past me, almost envisioning an alternate reality like the many he's been to.
"We could have been heroes together...side by side. We could have taught each other so much and done so much good. I don't what it would ever take for us to fight side by side rather than against each other. Probably some catastrophic event for sure. Maybe we can put all of that aside after our match."
We were silent for a few moments. The waitress came and refilled my drink but not before asking the hero for an autograph. She explained that he saved her from a Circle of Thorns ceremony a year ago.
I couldn't tell if he was smiling under the helmet or bothered by her request. I then realized that no one has ever seen him without some sort of covering on his face.
So I asked if the accident he talked about earlier was the reason why he always had a mask on.
At that point, his police band communicator began to squawk and I knew he would be leaving without answering my question. He offered to pay for my lunch, saying that he recently had a windfall at "some auction thing" but I said it wasn't necessary. He extended his hand and I shook it. I couldn't believe it was the same cold hand that has frozen the likes of Dr. Vahzilok. It was the same hand that has touched the gloves of Statesman and Positron. It would be the same hand that will be raised against his own blood this Saturday.