Wednesday, December 13, 2006

RoA Base Raid

Yet another raid for Debt Brigade has come and passed. We stood valiantly against Riders of Apocalypse and kept our base from being shut down. They still had some disconnection problems on their end but it was not as bad as the first attempt. Which means, we had some fight action!

I spent most of my time bubbling and trying to detoggle certain tough tankers, aka Ton of Bricks. I invented many names for Ton of Bricks during the raid, none of which I can repeat without verifying everyone's age beforehand. :)

Somehow I racked up 3 kills, which is just plain weird for my FF/Rad defender. I can only assume I stole some kills from a fellow SG member. My apologies if that was the case.

Zandryne seemed to be a favorite target of theirs, big surprise there, poor bubblers. Congratulations to Colder for the most victories in DB! Also, I have to give some recognition to Back Track from RoA for getting a whopping 17 victories to 4 defeats.

RoA apparently had some difficulty locating our generator despite spawning very close to it, hehe. Nice job on the base layout Az!

Az started a thread thanking RoA for the raid on the official CoH forum board. It can be found here. Several RoA members make some comments in the thread and it sounds like a good time was had by both sides, which I always think is the most important thing. It was a fun raid and good job to everyone. Next, we get to raid their base...

Here's a screenshot of the score provided by Az:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the writeup, Mags! DB did a great job in defending (as usual)! BackTrack camped the rezzer so killing people at 10% health doesn't impress me *that much. However, I would not have thought of that myself, so we'll see him in HIS infirmary next time!!

And I don't really think there's such a thing as kill-stealing as this is really all about team effort. As much as we all like getting high numbers, without a bubble or a heal, or help from someone else, a lot of these kills would not have been made.

Riders made a good showing and I'm glad we all enjoyed it!