Sorry for the late post but my power went out last night and didn't come on until just now. For all of us people on vacation or without a job, let's run the longest TF ever made! Dr. Quarterfield in Zulu!! Level 40-44. Will take approximately 7 hours!! Maybe we'll break this up over two days since I have a belated birthday drink coming to me tonight!
Mission Breakdown
1. Fight Rularuu around Foxtrot -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
2. Rescue exploration team -> 7 hostages to rescue. (FBZ)
3. Examine creatures at Bravo -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
4. Defeat Rularuu at X-Ray -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
5. Rescue the Explorers -> 9 hostages to rescue. (FBZ)
6. Defeat Rularuu, Crey -> defeat 25 Rularuu, 25 Crey (FBZ)
7. Defeat crey leader and guards -> 5 hostages (FBZ)
8. Fight Crey around Zulu -> defeat 50 Crey (FBZ)
9. Defeat Crey base leaders (FBZ) -> just take down the named boss.
10. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ) -> there are glowies in the mission, but it is not necessary to complete mission. They are simultaneous click.
You NOW earn Dr. Q's phone number to call him.
11. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ) -> glowies in mish unnecessary.
12. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ)-> glowies in mish, not necessary.
13. Defeat Crey boss leaders -> search for clues (FBZ)
There are 3 glowies in the mission. 2 are connected by simultaneous clicks, the solo one has the clue.
14. Defeat Crey base leaders -> 8 samples, search for clues (FF)
15. Defeat all enemies in base -> find information, contain creatures (Bricks)
find a glowie for the info, and destroy an object to contain the creatures. Rularuu and Crey in mish.
16. Defeat Negotiators -> find information. (PI) Nemesis and Crey. info is a glowie.
17. Defeat all Nemesis Army in Base (FBZ)
18. Defeat Nemesis Base leaders -> locate information, contain creatures (FBZ)
similar to mission 15. there is no named boss, just take out final floor.
19. Defeat Portal base boss -> 2 portal computers (FBZ)
the computers are simul-click. get those and named boss at end.
20. Defeat all Crey -> 2 portal computers (FBZ)
similar to mission 19, now only kill all. computers are simul-click.
21. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 portal computers (FF)
now 4 computers to click at once, and boss room.
22. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 Portal computers, 2 Rularuu portals (FBZ)
the computers are simul again, and there are 2 more portal objects to destroy, along with boss and room.
23. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 portal computers (Skyway)
simul-click again, and boss and room. ALMOST THERE.
24. Defeat all Escaped Rularuu -> 2 Rularuu portals (Talos)
Have fun in this. Circle of Thorns and Rularuu in a CoT map. kill all.
I hope you realize that once you've done this once, you'll never do it again :D
My team, with 2 teleporters, and no full team wipes, took 7 hours. You'll want to do this when you can devote a full day to the game.
Reward: +3 SO random, Portal Smasher badge (accomplishment)
I wouldn't mind trying this one, but not sure when I'll have the time. I work all day lol
Bah, couldn't do it on a weeked huh? How'd it go anyway assuming it got off the ground.
I remember running this one pretty fast and doing another shadow shard afterwards, 2 in an 11 hour butt-numbing experience, but boy was it worth it to get those badges outta the way. Not to mention a whole lotta fun.
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