I just wanted to take the time to wish all DBers (and honorary DBers) a very happy and safe holiday! Thank you for making this game so much fun and for being so valuable a part of the SG!!
I've removed a bunch of inactives from the member roster so if one of your alts was one of them, let me know and we'll get them back in. We have some spaces to fill now so get to recruiting! Keep in mind, we have plenty of scrappers and khelds already! Tanks and trollers would be most welcome. Or a few more blasters since Colder and I get lonely sometimes.
As Colder mentioned, the blog has been converted and is causing issues for some. If you are having trouble with getting back into the contributor list, let us know and we'll resend an invite.
Here is a thread from the board about Wentworth's. Colder made a very good prediction on the "loot" theory. And it sounds like it will be even harder to keep people in SG mode since auctions will be using your influence. I'm all for upgrades and fun, but they really need to reconfigure the prestiege system if they want to keep both financial systems going. It will be interesting to see what kind of stuff can be crafted and how sought after they might be. What are *your thoughts on it?
Again, a very happy holiday and joyous New Year to all! Anyone have any CoX or SG wishes?
Heeeey....I'm still here! Wassup people!
th' Cap'n might have been here... (hic!)
I am still confused with where to put things in the base let alone crafting a new invention. I hope to log in sometime soon but we are still mobile on vacation, I am busy socializing. Bah Humbug! I will try to post a pic from our touring.
Socializing? What's that? :grin:
Re: the base: The only comments I have are to not put small blues and greens in the inspir dispenser. As well as only using the enhancement storage for stuff you want to keep for yourself.
From what I understand, for the new crafting stuff, it will be all new salvage, so you will not have gotten any yet.
Well after reading, reading and...reading, I find the whole crafting of items confusing. The action house sounds like I will never use it. After all, if I find a rare salvage or item I don't need I'll probably give it to someone in the sg. I'm concerned about IO's, will they be like a HO? More powerful than an SO? If not why do we need them, and if so then do I have to go about finding salvage etc to make IO's for all my toons now? I hope not! So far I've liked the way money worked in this game, will be waiting to see if the invention system will seperate the very rich toons from others. Also, if everyone is earning money for IO's then what happens to prestige? So many questions still to be answered, I hope it doesn't change the system so much that we will all be struggling to buy new enhancements and pay base rent at the same time. :)
Happy Holidays to all!!
Well it's a bit of an involved practice from what I understand. You can craft new costume pieces, new enhancements and (?) new inspirations. Many of the recipes will have to be unlocked. You will have to get all the pieces for the recipe obviously to build it. It also costs influence. Then you can use it or sell it apparently.
The IOs will add new bonuses to your powers. After re-reading the link Coldie posted, I'm a bit confused as to who can use what. Can a blaster slot a "chance to mez" IO in ranged attack? I don't know.
What I do remember reading is that you will be able to craft costume pieces that some NPCs wear in the game! Which means Chaud might get some carnie boots after all!
The whole thing is confusing and leads me to believe it will be exploited and draw some seriously stacked toons that will be untouchable in PvP now. Yeah! The devs are reaching desperately to keep this thing going forward and "interesting." Which means they will start losing people as it morphs into the crappy versions of the other MMOs out there. Or myabe these are just paranoid ramblings. Or maybe I am wasted on eggnog and ticked off because I haven't been able to log on for a week or so DURING the big lame repeat event from last winter. Well, Ghost Widow popping in to check in on the new Winter Skit resort was nice. And hot. VERY hot. Man, I will be sad to discover that the dev behind Ghost Widow is a man and then I am doomed in a bizaare virtual reality trans-gender crush. Good thing I am married to a normal human woman. Well mostly normal...
"a bizaare virtual reality trans-gender crush"
I'm so happy that someone finally wrote that sentence :P
Happy Holidays all!! I was gonna make a post but Azzie beat me to it by a few days! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and I'm sure we've all been good this year :D
As for the crafting, I read through the "spoiler" list when I first posted about it and I really don't know what to make of it. From what I understand, you could have an IO that adds Mez or some other secondary effect to one of your attacks (or a chance to Mez). I think that's what will make the IO's valuable but the Dev's have to be careful as to not make them too powerful.
What?? Did someone say Carnie boots?? Who do I have to kill for them?! Now that would be a reason to camp for salvage! :D
I think IO's will be fine if the secondary effects don't make a toon so powerful that you can't compete without them.
Personally, I think they should throw the whole auction idea out the window. It adds a whole new level of exploitation. They should add an extra digit to the amount of influence you can trade another toon though.
Baba, be careful, she isn't named Ghost Widow for nothing, besides if you walk around with your tongue hanging out all the time someones bound to trip over it!
I heard Carnie boots give you mez-trip protection with an IO and some Hami spit salvage.
I just received an email from Ngine, he wanted me to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! He's safe and only has three more months until he comes home! :)
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