Happy birthday Az! I am on the road then so I wanted to get this posted for you...Good timing on picking you next for the drawing hobby. I hope to be home soon! Until then 1 mil influence to the first blog poster to name the famous actress I used for this sketch of Az. I like stealing Alex Ross' style...use real people. OK who is next?
PS Here is a pic of Makin Debt and I on our worldly travels this week. Hope all had a great holiday this year.
What a wonderful drawing baba! I don't know who it is really, not being very current on actors! You did an amazing job on it!!
Damn, and Rock could use the influence too!
Great pic Baba! I love having our very own Alex Ross in the supergroup :D
My guess....Gina Gershon?
Nope but close. First hint, this actress is married to a very bad actor.
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