Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sewer Trial
Friday, December 29, 2006
The polls are now open....
So far, here are the contenders....
Max Debt Brigade
Maxed Debt Brigade
Debt Brigade Maxed
Debt Brigade Maximum
Any other suggestions? Put in your vote now!
I'll probably create the new sg at the end of next week, give you all time to decide. :)
The Longest TF Ever (well, not really)

This TF was really kind of a last minute deal and frankly I was suprised it all came together so well. We had no problems getting our 8 minimum and we seemed to cut through the missions like a hot knife through butter.
We started with 6 and a tell on Triumph Watch brought us two more and a bunch of others we had to turn away (this surprised me). So off we went, into the shard and started many hunts and a bunch of kill-alls in the caves of the Rularuu. Some of us were a bit rusty and died enough to keep things interesting. However, we really hit a stride and sailed through this very long taskforce in about 5.75 hours. We stealthed what we could, using PFF and invis to click glowies in the thick of things, and having a great tank and a damage-heavy team with shiny bubbles all around really helped. Nukes were abundant (Tzadi *was on the team after all) and we made a nice chunk of prestiege (about 75k) for the SG.
Speaking of the SG, Grand Poo Bah Chaud will be announcing something very shortly in regards to it!
And we will also be scheduling that damned Sewer Trial again in the very near future! We may be running it twice so those helping us with their 38s will be able to get the badge on their 50s. So if you have any interest, post a comment saying so!
Happy New Year all!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Dr, Quarterfield TF today at 2 pm

Sorry for the late post but my power went out last night and didn't come on until just now. For all of us people on vacation or without a job, let's run the longest TF ever made! Dr. Quarterfield in Zulu!! Level 40-44. Will take approximately 7 hours!! Maybe we'll break this up over two days since I have a belated birthday drink coming to me tonight!
Mission Breakdown
1. Fight Rularuu around Foxtrot -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
2. Rescue exploration team -> 7 hostages to rescue. (FBZ)
3. Examine creatures at Bravo -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
4. Defeat Rularuu at X-Ray -> defeat 50 Rularuu (FBZ)
5. Rescue the Explorers -> 9 hostages to rescue. (FBZ)
6. Defeat Rularuu, Crey -> defeat 25 Rularuu, 25 Crey (FBZ)
7. Defeat crey leader and guards -> 5 hostages (FBZ)
8. Fight Crey around Zulu -> defeat 50 Crey (FBZ)
9. Defeat Crey base leaders (FBZ) -> just take down the named boss.
10. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ) -> there are glowies in the mission, but it is not necessary to complete mission. They are simultaneous click.
You NOW earn Dr. Q's phone number to call him.
11. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ) -> glowies in mish unnecessary.
12. Defeat all Crey at base (FBZ)-> glowies in mish, not necessary.
13. Defeat Crey boss leaders -> search for clues (FBZ)
There are 3 glowies in the mission. 2 are connected by simultaneous clicks, the solo one has the clue.
14. Defeat Crey base leaders -> 8 samples, search for clues (FF)
15. Defeat all enemies in base -> find information, contain creatures (Bricks)
find a glowie for the info, and destroy an object to contain the creatures. Rularuu and Crey in mish.
16. Defeat Negotiators -> find information. (PI) Nemesis and Crey. info is a glowie.
17. Defeat all Nemesis Army in Base (FBZ)
18. Defeat Nemesis Base leaders -> locate information, contain creatures (FBZ)
similar to mission 15. there is no named boss, just take out final floor.
19. Defeat Portal base boss -> 2 portal computers (FBZ)
the computers are simul-click. get those and named boss at end.
20. Defeat all Crey -> 2 portal computers (FBZ)
similar to mission 19, now only kill all. computers are simul-click.
21. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 portal computers (FF)
now 4 computers to click at once, and boss room.
22. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 Portal computers, 2 Rularuu portals (FBZ)
the computers are simul again, and there are 2 more portal objects to destroy, along with boss and room.
23. Defeat Portal base boss -> 4 portal computers (Skyway)
simul-click again, and boss and room. ALMOST THERE.
24. Defeat all Escaped Rularuu -> 2 Rularuu portals (Talos)
Have fun in this. Circle of Thorns and Rularuu in a CoT map. kill all.
I hope you realize that once you've done this once, you'll never do it again :D
My team, with 2 teleporters, and no full team wipes, took 7 hours. You'll want to do this when you can devote a full day to the game.
Reward: +3 SO random, Portal Smasher badge (accomplishment)
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Xmas to all and to Az a good night!

Happy (Early) Birthday Azzie!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to take the time to wish all DBers (and honorary DBers) a very happy and safe holiday! Thank you for making this game so much fun and for being so valuable a part of the SG!!
I've removed a bunch of inactives from the member roster so if one of your alts was one of them, let me know and we'll get them back in. We have some spaces to fill now so get to recruiting! Keep in mind, we have plenty of scrappers and khelds already! Tanks and trollers would be most welcome. Or a few more blasters since Colder and I get lonely sometimes.
As Colder mentioned, the blog has been converted and is causing issues for some. If you are having trouble with getting back into the contributor list, let us know and we'll resend an invite.
Here is a thread from the board about Wentworth's. Colder made a very good prediction on the "loot" theory. And it sounds like it will be even harder to keep people in SG mode since auctions will be using your influence. I'm all for upgrades and fun, but they really need to reconfigure the prestiege system if they want to keep both financial systems going. It will be interesting to see what kind of stuff can be crafted and how sought after they might be. What are *your thoughts on it?
Again, a very happy holiday and joyous New Year to all! Anyone have any CoX or SG wishes?
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Blogger + Google = F's things up!
For any of you who have been having problems with the blog, you need to login to your account and merge it with a google account. It's just basically need to pop in a valid email (just use the one that got you onto blogger in the first place) and the rest basically takes care of itself. That way, you can get back on the contributors list.
Supposedly we get new nifty features with this "merge" but I haven't had time to check it out yet.
My apologies to anyone who has been running into problems with the blog lately.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I got a fever...

...and the only prescription is more GMs/AVs.
I am heading out and about on vacation and thus may have limited time in the next week or so. BUT this Saturday I would like to whoop it up against someone, anyone, someone scream!
So 4pm PST, someone call out who we want to stomp and I will be there. Me? I got a hankering for some RV AVs again, though willing to do just about any group event high or low. Sound off!
RoA Base Raid
I spent most of my time bubbling and trying to detoggle certain tough tankers, aka Ton of Bricks. I invented many names for Ton of Bricks during the raid, none of which I can repeat without verifying everyone's age beforehand. :)
Somehow I racked up 3 kills, which is just plain weird for my FF/Rad defender. I can only assume I stole some kills from a fellow SG member. My apologies if that was the case.
Zandryne seemed to be a favorite target of theirs, big surprise there, poor bubblers. Congratulations to Colder for the most victories in DB! Also, I have to give some recognition to Back Track from RoA for getting a whopping 17 victories to 4 defeats.
RoA apparently had some difficulty locating our generator despite spawning very close to it, hehe. Nice job on the base layout Az!
Az started a thread thanking RoA for the raid on the official CoH forum board. It can be found here. Several RoA members make some comments in the thread and it sounds like a good time was had by both sides, which I always think is the most important thing. It was a fun raid and good job to everyone. Next, we get to raid their base...
Here's a screenshot of the score provided by Az:

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Repel Ball
Teams are lvl 3 kins with the repel power. Team makes a large room in their base and intiate a raid. Then they go to town on a level one MM pet. Look at the video and you will surely get a good belly laugh! repel ball video
Here's the thread that discusses it. Very fun times it seems!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Fun with Adobe

My daughter has a Wacom tablet, which is a graphic artists' tool for use with photo editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop. She has been showing me some of the capabilities and I wanted to tinker around. That coupled with the fact I needed to test the scanner of our new printer, I decided to draw a real quick sketch of Colder. Then I added some effects, and for fun threw in a cut out of an actual screenshot of a CoT mage, added even more effects, and well here it is. Lots of fun and if I had time and training, a potentially amazing cool for things to come. I will make a serious effort to do another drawing, probably just a pencil sketch--I was thinking of hooking up the leader in all the mayhem we go through--and sometimes cause. I recently found the art of Alex Ross (look him up you comic book nerds you know you want to :-), and was inspired by his amazing style. So maybe a portrait of Az in his stylings? We shall see.
Glitches for EVERYONE! Well...almost everyone.

As i changed my costume with sg colors i was in nova form and when i got out I was in human for to myself.If you do it in tanker nova hitting buttons like o,a,s,and d all have emotes.As seen if 1st picture all you do is the tank nova then go to sg colors hit cancel and jump and it will automaticaly give you the sheild and baton.Once ypu hit the group you lose them.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Winter Event

There's nothing more fun than a holiday event on CoH (unless it's a raid of course) and here is a thread describing what is now on test. Give out some presents and don't forget that we need to save Baby New Year!
Please RSVP for the raid December 10th @ 4pm Pacific time with the Riders!! So far I have: me, Chaud, Sword, Colder, Cap, Rulltran, Baba, Lost, Oathdog, Shatter-Storm, Chica
Maybes: Deep, Ebon, Giant Stone