Friday, February 22, 2008

St Martial SF

When: This Sunday 24 Feb
Who: lvl 35+
Where: St Martial (duh)
What: AV that spawns a zillion baddies at 50% health, good times
Why: I want the TF Commander badge on my villains. And the XP. And the Salvage. I have given up on getting a good rare recipe though. They suck and so does Positron.


Ebon Mauler said...

What time? What is the lvl cap?

I've been kind of lucky with IO drops. Sorry :)

Baba Kanoosh said...

1:30 EST caps at 40. Gimme recipes :-)

Ebon Mauler said...

Sorry Baba. Got into setting up the furniture for the baby's room.

Baba Kanoosh said...

LoL, no apologies there bud, congrats! Remember at this early stage in life, black and white are all they see, in their infancy (ha name that toon I paraphrased from), so get a baby safe Panda Bear. They recognize faces real early so it is an awesome baby toy. Good luck with finding one outside of China though.

Ebon Mauler said...

not schism but same album i believe. Following verse is "red and yellow then came to be. Reaching out to me. lets me see :).

Baba Kanoosh said...

Lateralus. :-)