Free Server Transfers are available through the end of December. So if you are full up on slots or want to take your favorite toon to a new community, now is the time to do it!
The Winter Event is now in full swing so get out your snowshoes and kick the Winter Lord in his big behind!
Sorry I don't have another 50 to announce, but frankly, I've been just as bored as you.
I wish everyone a very happy holiday and an amazing New Year! Please make sure to post your resolutions in the comments! :D
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
New Stuff

The newest booster pack is out now: martial arts! A fun little karate pack that gives you some new costume pieces, emotes and a fun new power, ninja sprint! For more pictures or a video of the new run, go here to view (or purchase)
The next Winter Event is hitting the Test Server tomorrow. Rumor has it there'll be a special zone you can travel to to foil the Winter Lord's dastardly plan for Paragon City! If you opt to head over there, join "Winter 2009" channel to stay in the loop!

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wish me luck in the Mission Architect contest! If I win, I doubt I can use most of the hardware, but hey, that's what Ebay's for!
Oh, how did your double xp go? I got a few levels on Cactaz and Zorazhad. That's about it for me.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Double XP and Happy Birthday Baba
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Double XP, Number Nineteen, and Game News

Hi ho Baba (and whatever random person stops in two months from now!)! :) Lots to tell! First of all, let be known that Double XP and inactive account activation will happen Thursday October 9 and end on October 11. That's four days! So if you let your account expire, hop on for the weekend and say hello to some old friends! Or maybe get that villain to 50 finally?! I've found a few classic DBers on Facebook and have invited them back! We miss them!
COH is also having its first Mission Architect contest! The prizes are some presumedly high-end computer stuff. You must enter by October 11th! See the full details at this link! I'll be entering my mystery arc and my Knives arc just for the hell of it. I hope Baba enters some of his too!
Starting today, October 1st, if you are a member of Twitter or Facebook, they are giving out codes for account costume powers like the ones they give away at their conventions. The newest is the Praetorian Clockwork suit:

If you are the first one to enter the code in your account page, you win the power! More info here!
There's also been a few articles about the upcoming expansion Going Rogue, but I won't bother posting them, cause there wasn't anything really new in them.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Issue 16 Goes Live

Well, 16 is at last upon us. Log in to find out which badges you finally earned (since they lowered a lot of the numbers on them). We finally got the combat logs for the SG base (it sells break-frees in the infirmary). Prior to 16, we were only 1/2 way there, which is sad since the SG is four years old.
There's also some "new" powersets available as they proliferated more over. I'm not entirely I'm liking the new super sidekick system, but we'll find see how it goes! There's also new difficulty settings which I'm sure will give us good reasons to make crazy impossible missions! :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Eighteen and Evil

Well, I have hit 50 number 18! Please welcome Vazkor to the temple of finished toons! I'd planned to hit 50 with Baba on an LRSF but my computer wasn't having any of it. I logged in later to run with T for a bit and dinged.
With the advent of Issue 16, there's been a lot of badge changes due to the developer's new found dislike of farming. I imagine both SGs will finally have access to Combat Logs (to sell break frees in the base). You'll also find many accolades easier to get so at least some good will come out of the next issue. I spent about 5 minutes in Icon on Test and was, well, bored. Find the most current patch notes to the build on Test here. You'll be disheartened to notice, Freak XP has been gutted, as well as some AE values.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Triumph Picture and Villain SG Badge

This Saturday at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern, the Triumph server is going to attempt to get as many people together in Pocket D as possible for a group picture. If you have a toon without pants, so much the better, since Triumph somehow got the nickname of "The Pantless Server".
Baba is interested in getting the giant generator for the villain base so I was thinking that maybe we could hit Warburg after the picture and earn some kills. Make sure you are in SG mode and bring your favorite Death Brigade villain!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
LRSF Sat, Aug 15 8 pm EST

Blue Flames of Hades has a fever and the only prescription is more LRSF!
That's right kids, I finally made a brute and he finally made it to lvl 50. Now for the evil deed to be done...the dreaded LRSF. Date and time above says it all. Be there or...not cuz you have a life and stuff. Either way, I still luv youz guyz.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Double Do Over

According to this announcement, NCsoft has opted to offer another double XP weekend due to the server stability issues. While at first, one can be excited, it won't be until after issue 16 goes live. Considering it's not even on Test yet, this do over won't be for a while. So yeah, whatever, dude! lol
Baba is looking to do some high level stuff on villainside, so hit him up for a crack at LRSF or the Barracuda SF.
The COH forum is brand new. You can now find it here. There's a few new options, including sub-sections for groups.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Double XP Starts Tomorrow!
It's about that time! Get those hard to level toons leveled up! Will Coldie get his first 50 villain? Doubtful. He probably doesn't even know it's dbl xp weekend! LOL
Speaking of 50s, I hit my 18th tonight on katana/regen scrapper, Svanlaug. Some of you remember her as my first toon on Justice. I transferred her over about a month or two ago cause she is fun to play!
Comicon was a fun time! Most of you have seen my pictures on Facebook. I went to the COH panel and Going Rogue sounds like it'll be a whole new universe so I'm anxious to get it. Too bad we have to wait til after Issue 16 with it's lame-o power customization (which will be fun for about a day).
So check in and let's find out what you accomplished over Dbl XP weekend!
Speaking of 50s, I hit my 18th tonight on katana/regen scrapper, Svanlaug. Some of you remember her as my first toon on Justice. I transferred her over about a month or two ago cause she is fun to play!
Comicon was a fun time! Most of you have seen my pictures on Facebook. I went to the COH panel and Going Rogue sounds like it'll be a whole new universe so I'm anxious to get it. Too bad we have to wait til after Issue 16 with it's lame-o power customization (which will be fun for about a day).
So check in and let's find out what you accomplished over Dbl XP weekend!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Garl
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fun at Disneyland and then some
Upon special request, I post the infamous Shrek photo done earlier this month:

Colder, Azrhiaz and Deep
The next Super Booster Pack is testing on the training room: Science! Here's a link to the costume changes! It contains new science themed costume pieces, emotes, and costume change emotes… as well as the new Super Tailor feature that will allow you to change the inherent body type of your character to Male, Female or Huge for each costume slot! So if you like to cross dress, feel transgendered, or think you are Ant-Man, it's all about you!
Here's a video of some of the new emotes and stuff:

The next Super Booster Pack is testing on the training room: Science! Here's a link to the costume changes! It contains new science themed costume pieces, emotes, and costume change emotes… as well as the new Super Tailor feature that will allow you to change the inherent body type of your character to Male, Female or Huge for each costume slot! So if you like to cross dress, feel transgendered, or think you are Ant-Man, it's all about you!
Here's a video of some of the new emotes and stuff:
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to everyone! I hope you don't get too many ties!
As announced by Positron, issue 16 will not be the highly anticipated "Going Rogue" expansion. It looks to be about as lame as "Anniversary" in the fact that it will be about power customization. So throw green fire, use yellow lightning, get totally annoyed the issue sucks! He promised more info in July, but let's just say, I'm not holding my breath!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sexy and Seventeen

Another 50 is mine! Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller Thurrisaz hit on an LGTF!
Congrats to @sayaki who was the winner of the "Who Killed Snow Globe" contest. I'd post the answer, but it's my hope someone in Debt Brigade other than Baba Kanoosh and myself would run it. :)
Hope all is well. It's been quiet in the SG. Miss you all.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Solve the mystery and win 100 million influence!

Who Killed Snow Globe?: a COH mini-mystery
The editor-in-chief of the City Scoop, Snow Globe, has been found dead! Who in the world would commit such a heinous crime?! The police have called you in to help solve the case! Can you finger the murderer and bring justice back to Paragon? This arc features some our most notable Triumph players!
Solve the Mystery for a Chance to win 100 million Influence*!
Arc #185502 by @azrhiaz
Neutral and designed for 50s
Prize: 100 million influence (or 50 million infamy)
Who’s Eligible: Triumph toons ONLY, level 30 or higher (I’ll award to a lower toon but you must show me a 30 first to hopefully ensure the prize doesn’t get transferred off the server)
* All missions (except the first) can be failed. If you fail a mission, you might miss an important clue, so play wisely. Good detectives follow procedure and read clues carefully.
* Not all clues are mandatory for mission completion. Be smart and inspect your surroundings thoroughly so you don’t miss any evidence.
* This arc is meant to be challenging. There are 2 AVs and plenty of obstacles to hinder your investigation.
* All toons have been used with permission and none were harmed during the creation of this arc.
Entries may be sent via forum PM, in-game email (to Azrhiaz), or an arc comment to @azrhiaz indicating who the killer is AND how you came to that conclusion. Do not post it in this thread! Why would you want to lower your chances by giving away your answer? One entry per global.
All correct (and complete) entries will be put into a pot and one winner will be drawn randomly. In the event that there are no correct entries, I will draw 4 random names out of all the entrants and split the prize between them.
Entries must be submitted by June 13th 2009, midnight pacific time.
The author wishes to thanks Snow Globe, Ultrabatz, Karl Rove Man, Baba Kanoosh, CopyKat, Ebon Mauler, Deep Puncture Wound, Divine Angel, Colder, and Obsidius for allowing me to use their toons.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Death Brigade plots demise of Debt Brigade all about it

Guest starring a few of our alts such as Lumeir throwing down the storm love on Planty Girl
Wrote an Arc featuring the Death Brigade...titled "When Alts Collide" give it a whirl and spot the cameos. Would like to more it is fun throwing in our VG/SG toons. I even altered O Wicked Woodpeckers group affiliation in the Animal Farm arc I wrote. Good times. Bring purples. The brute barrage at the end can sting at times.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
official information blitz

It's the 5th anniversary of City of Heroes and there's been a lot announced over the last few days to commemorate it! Yesterday, the developers were online spawning GMs and giving out gold titles. As of today, the 5th year badge will be awarded (per toon, so log all the ones you want to have it in in the next couple weeks).
They are having a t-shirt/logo contest for it! There's some good prizes so I might be entering myself! Find details here!
Or you can make a video for their COH Homage Contest. Find details here!
They have also announced Issue 15 will be hitting beta very soon. The title of this issue is Anniversary. It's appropriate because it's their annual issue of jack squat: some new costume pieces/face textures, a TF, a SF, and the return of the villain group, the 5th Column. Woo hoo. :( Find Positron's address here or you can go here for all the official overview on Issue 15 here.
There's been some awesome architect stuff going on by our group! Go to the end of this post for a listing of those that I was able to find in the MA search function!

#49283 Strange Lands - Divine Angel - Euw! What IS infesting the sewers and can you save us from them?
#28383 TW Drama - Baba Kanoosh - a fun romp through the LOLz of what you sometimes see on our favorite channel
#14582 Getting the Band Back Together - Baba Kanoosh - Will dead musicians get to renew their contract at your expense?
#63934 - Creatures of the Night - Divine Angel - a personal favorite. Get ready to get wrecked by the dead!
#122814 - The Chip - Ruby (aka shaolinmonk) - there's new technology and everyone wants it! Fun stuff here too!
#1367 - It's All Just a Game - Kyatt (aka leakydawg) - Can 3 real life guys defeat you in your virtual environment? Whee!
#36822 - Dead Men Tell No Tales - Kyatt - Ooo! Pirates!
#71800 - Animal Farm - Frankie Foster (baba) - Poor Farmer John's farm has gone crazy! I give this shortie 5 stars!
#122711 - My BFF Frostfire - Planty Girl - What's Frostfire like at 50? hmmm
#72104 - Bingo Riot - Electron Kid - Hell's broken out at the casino!
#102598 - Badgeapalooza - Electron Kid - work on your glowie, rescue, destroy object badges in this easy-breezy mission
#95713 - The Red List - Ebon (black praetor) - Someone's kidnapped SG members! What evil is this?!
#22832 - And Hell Hath No Fury - Azrhiaz - The rival gang of the Knives of Artemis have come to call. Will you aid the Knives or be the instrument of their destruction?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Need power sets
Making a Death Brigade mish and want powersets for some of our long standing villains.
What was Chaud's villain and any screenies of her?
Anyone else post yer baddy, powers and a screenie now puhlease
What was Chaud's villain and any screenies of her?
Anyone else post yer baddy, powers and a screenie now puhlease
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mission Architect
So I'm hoping everyone is enjoying the Mission Architect. Here are some tips I've discovered along the way:
Republishing Arcs So You Don't Lose Ratings: Want to fix something in your arc and not lose the ratings? Make sure to go into the My Published Arcs tab and use the editing function there. It will then give you the option to Republish (as opposed to Publish which will put another arc up).
Deleting Custom Critters: Ebon found this one. You can't delete them out of the editing screen or in the MA unless you go into My Custom Groups. From there, you can find the option to delete them.
TMARC: If you add this to your title card somewhere (I put it in description), people from the Triumph server can find your arc. This was a player suggestion.
For more detailed info, try

Debt Brigade: A Mini-History
I have finished The Debt Brigade: A Mini-History for anyone who would like to play it. I designed it to be relatively easy. I also will make a follow up which will be a "Base Raid" with The Debt Brigade (small map with most of us as AVs/EBs) that I thought might be fun as a group outing.
I also still have And Hell Hath No Fury which was built to be very challenging. I can solo it heroic on my blaster if I'm careful, so give it a whirl and let me know what you think.
Baba has a few arcs in the system. I LOVED his Animal Farm (under @frankie foster). Ebon also has one that I've been dying to play so let's get a group going and see what he's come up with.
Republishing Arcs So You Don't Lose Ratings: Want to fix something in your arc and not lose the ratings? Make sure to go into the My Published Arcs tab and use the editing function there. It will then give you the option to Republish (as opposed to Publish which will put another arc up).
Deleting Custom Critters: Ebon found this one. You can't delete them out of the editing screen or in the MA unless you go into My Custom Groups. From there, you can find the option to delete them.
TMARC: If you add this to your title card somewhere (I put it in description), people from the Triumph server can find your arc. This was a player suggestion.
For more detailed info, try

I have finished The Debt Brigade: A Mini-History for anyone who would like to play it. I designed it to be relatively easy. I also will make a follow up which will be a "Base Raid" with The Debt Brigade (small map with most of us as AVs/EBs) that I thought might be fun as a group outing.
I also still have And Hell Hath No Fury which was built to be very challenging. I can solo it heroic on my blaster if I'm careful, so give it a whirl and let me know what you think.
Baba has a few arcs in the system. I LOVED his Animal Farm (under @frankie foster). Ebon also has one that I've been dying to play so let's get a group going and see what he's come up with.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Is 14 your lucky number

Issue 14: Mission Architect is now live! Create your own arcs and customized opponents! New PvP IO sets! New base storage permissions and badges galore. Log in and have at it! Let's make a library of DB arcs just for ego's sake! Make sure to post 'em here so we know about 'em!
There is also a new Super Booster Pack (Magic Details) coming out on April 14th. Details here. New costumes, emotes, and the ability to read people's fortunes!
I changed the permissions on storage in the hero base. The one in the planetarium is for Captains and up. The two in the workrooms are open to anyway. The inspiration storage is also open to everybody.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Issue 14 is OPEN for testing

Man I need to buy an new laptop...look at the screen shot weird shadows. When I get my stimulus check from Obama I am gonn buy an Alienware to save the economy.
Well I have to run, I am in sunny Annapolis on my 3rd business trip of the year, w00t.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sweet Sixteen
Friday, February 27, 2009
Mission Architect in Issue 14

Official Post on the Forums: Details are starting to emerge on the The City of Heroes® content update that breaks MMO barriers by letting players create their own in-game missions! Check out the following items to see just some of what Issue 14, Architect has to offer...
The Official Issue 14 Overview Page
Updated information and new Mission screenshots await!
Rooster Teeth Video starring Captain Dynamic
One of our goals at NCsoft NorCal has been to get Mission Architect into the hands of as many creative people as possible to see what content they come up with. An obvious choice was Rooster Teeth, creators of the famous Red vs. Blue machinima series. They enjoyed it so much, that they decided to document their adventures using Mission Architect in a three episode video series. Watch Episode 1 which introduces viewers to Captain Dynamic, a real-life super person, and his quest to use the Mission Architect to advance his image and his career. Episodes 2 and 3 will follow!
Issue 14 FAQ
Want the 411 on Mission Architect? Read the FAQ and check back for additional information at a later date!
But that's not all...
The press has gotten a hold of Mission Architect, so be on the lookout for several soon-to-be released press articles!

Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
Love is in the Air
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Double XP Weekend Coming Soon!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Character Copy Tool still down???
I want to tweak Planty Man's perma-dom build (see if I can live without fitness---with four purple sets, and a recharge rate of 180% and growing, I think I can). The tool to get toons over to test was turned off in December, any idea if it is back up?
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