Sunday, January 11, 2009

Double XP Weekend Coming Soon!

Looks like Planty Man is outta luck

Double XP Weekend is coming! Save the dates! January 23- January 25th. Can Colder finally get a villain 50?


Baba Kanoosh said...

Planty Man doesn't wear a chastity belt...Playa play!!!

Azrhiaz said...

That's cause no one wants that little twig....

Baba Kanoosh said...

Well I am on the road in Birmingham Alabammy and it is freakin' 20 degrees out. Global warming my tookus, we is in an ice age dawg.

That's why Azr. It was cold out. Shrinkage.

Colder said...

Woot! The first step towards my new year's resolution!!!

How about we hit up a a Villain SF...considering how I have done only one or two of them lol. The closest I have to 50 is my 33 or 34ish Stalker. Any takers? Sunday would probably work best for me but I'm open for suggestions!