We're a City of Heroes SuperGroup on the Triumph Server (#15 in earned prestige). We are always recruiting and are in it for the fun of the game and the thrill of a base raid! Send a message to @colder or @azrhiaz ingame with your email address to be added to this group.
"Won't everyone in Atlas be impressed!"
First it was a Rikti Invasion, now Robotech!
Oooohhhh look! The new Transformers Archtype!!! They come with a built in travel power but are too big to use the train....
"Susie quickly turned around and decided to leave. She realized trying to sneak onto the subway was simply not worth it."
"Now where did everyone go?"
Mine's dated but was the first thing that popped to mind when I took the screenie...
Hello? Anyone home? Is this the Baba Kanoosh residence for moving assistance? Heavy Movers R US is here...man I think we got off at the wrong station, this house is EMPTY.
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