Sunday, July 29, 2007

Charity Event Committee starts here

I am going to try to get a Player Event going with some focus towards the Charities that help the troops that come home with serious injuries. I can hold an event and spam info about the stuff, but I would like to find some way to make this a fund raiser too. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated. At the moment, I am mulling a Pocket D event on Test Server, with a Costume Contest and a PvP event, with some prizes from the Wound Warrior Project. BUT at the moment I am funding the shin dig, so, since the Secret Service hasn't paid me yet...that idea is on hold. I am going to send some ideas to Ex Libras who wanted to help out and join. Also gonna contact w00tradio to see if they can get on board.

Any and all ideas welcome.


Azrhiaz said...

You could do something PBS-like, as in "Give X $ and receive this gift" You'd have to get sponsors for something like this.

Or what I learned from doing the 3 Day Breast Cancer walk, get a bunch of gift donations and hold a raffle. Many companies won't give out monetary donations, but will give a gift certificate or something. Try hitting up customer service or public relations on some of the big sites like Amazon, Ebay, etc. for GCs that people might want to win?

Maybe you can use a paypal account to track the donations so you can then pick a winner?

If you would like me to host the PvP event, the PvPEC would be happy to be a part of it.

Azrhiaz said...

Are you going to use a soldier-theme or just show up as you are?

Contact the City Scoop and get them to write a story on it, pre-event.

The more press you can get on the game from outside sources, the more likely the event will be noticed by the devs.

Megeara said...

First thoughts:

Find a trusted third party to collect donations and take detailed records as to who donates what. W00t Radio, maybe? Then players can be recognized for the donations and the third party can make sure that the funds get to where they need to go.
You might speak to a bank in your area as to the option of setting up a fund that can accept donations digitally. After a certain date, the funds are counted and you can request a list of those who donated.
As for prizes, I'd see if NCSoft or CoX would be willing to pony up some T-shirts, or other gimmes as prizes. Hell, ask if Ex Libris or another Dev type would be willing to do some fancy yellow titles for those who donate.

The worst they can say is no.

And for the disclaimer, I am not a lawyer nor am I anywhere near good looking enough to play one on TV.

Call the charities you want to associate with and see what you hammer out. These folks want donations, I think that any of them would be willing to at least listen to you.

Azrhiaz said...

Paypal is set up to direct donations and keep a record of the payments. Woot radio, I'm not sure I would trust.

But Meg's here! :swoon:

Baba Kanoosh said...

Word. I will try contacting paypal and seeing how they run it. Once I know I can have a source, I THEN have to see if NCSOft has objections to a money raiser online in their game. I was thinking of trying to score some swag as well. Do a military themed CC and maybe a PvP event with winners getting a t-shirt or something.

Hmm talking out loud (or in this case typing) leads to think I call NCSOft FIRST. Lotta of legwork for the donation end of it, so need to find out if it is worth the effort.

Baba Kanoosh said...


THANKS a ton for inputs.

Baba Kanoosh said...

FYI My request for a fund raiser is at NCSoft HQ PR office awaiting a go or no go answer.