Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A brief moment for real life...

Not to be a downer, but got news two more of my former USAF members in my last unit got hit with an IED recently, one of them will be lucky to keep his arm. If you have some spare cash, here are some good fund raisers to support guys and gals like him that come home chewed up from humanities ugliness. All politics aside, these people mostly are serving to earn cash, a living, and serve our country and allies. Hard to swallow watching TV with all the back and forth with politicians etc, but having stood by their side, it is true. I am not posting to sway anyones feelings, just looking out for the poor kid who came home facing a new life with a broken body. Check out these sites if you are interested in helping, if not, no problem.

Intrepid Center

Wounded Warrior

Hire a Hero

Support our Troops


Garl said...

That really stinks. You guys do a rotten job in horrible conditions. We have some good programs through the Canadian Legion for our vets cause god knows, the government doesn't do enough.

Azrhiaz said...

Good lord, I'm so sorry to hear this!

And they especially need the help since the government only makes lip service! I'll see what I can do.

Colder said...

Hey Az, since you the the Devs ears with the PVPEC and all, maybe some type of fundraiser event can be set up?

Sorry to hear about your fellow soliders Baba.

All my best to them.

Azrhiaz said...

The PvPEC does not have the devs' ear. We fraternize with the community moderators and while things sometimes get passed along, we certainly don't have the number to the Bat Phone.

Having said that, there have been events such as the Rainbow Prom (gay pride) that have garnered press inside the COX community as well as without. If an event as you suggest was put on (there's a player events section on the boards), with a little PR from within and without (I imagine there's a ton of sites who'd be interested in hearing about it and publish it), you may garner the support of the game devs, and be able to raise a significant chunk of change.

Baba Kanoosh said...

Good idea Colder, I was thinking of same thing, might catch some noise since everyone is being stoopid bashing each other right now on forums over the other Player Events. Might help to get it back on right path. I will send some PMs this weekend and try to get something going.

Colder said...

Right...I meant to say you have the ear of the Msg Board Mods etc.

Let us know if you make an inroads Baba. Let us know how we can help!!!