Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Power Sets? :squeal:

Cast your vote here for what you think would be the neatest 2 sets for tanks and scraps!

Then go here and click what defensive sets you'd most like to see!

Wow, that would freshen up the game considerably! At least hero-side. I can hear the villains boo-hooing already.

Good news, Uprising from the PvPEC will be held in early June! It'll be on test however, and some prizes are to be had. More on this later! Thursday night at 7pm Pacific, Brawl for It All in Recluse's Victory! Don't miss the beat down!


Dr. Earl Grey said...

Yay for new powersets for my two favorite AT's. If there is a shield set though I'm gonna cry, because my level 44 BS/Regen would get re-rolled in a heartbeat. I'll be voting once the boards come back online.

Baba Kanoosh said...

You have to vote soon, they had a VERY limited window for voting.

I added some powersets I have discussed in the thread...one of which though is not melee: Gunslinger.

I want to make a six shooter, a rifle carrying, lasso holding gunslinger. Yippee Kiyea MoFos!

Defensive set that fits the hero genre is Luck...varying degrees of luck to avoid attacks etc. In the end defensive sets ending up being the same just with different spin and graphics, but Luck makes sense to me.

Azrhiaz said...

I liked the electric hammer (Thor heroes will be a dime a dozen with that, I'll bet!) and the shield stuff. I also liked the dual blades. Screw the energy sword. I can watch Star Wars for a darn light saber.

Baba Kanoosh said...

I tried posting a reply on the thread and it disappeared while I was word-smithing it lol. So voting is closed after 1 day! They REALLY wanted to hear from us eh? Now you know how closed beta for issue 9 felt like.

A lot of I ♥ NCSoft types hang out in the forum threads. Just smooching up to whatever is feed to them. I started reading into the offers which got me thinking. I looked at the defensive sets and they are for the most part the same thing just served up with a new name, a new color graphic. This smells like a quick fix. Willpower is different from SR how? (For that matter my Luck proposal is the same--SR with new spin) Density is different from Invul how? Force Fields is diff from a Bubbler? Mainly just new colors to oooh and aaah at. Which is fine, but nothing I am too ramped up over.

Street fighter will be all the new IO temp powers, plus some other existing graphics jumbled together, such as the flaming crates the Hellions throw, etc. Easy to take existing graphics and import them. Thats is why shield is so far off, tooo new. Growth will be a mess...a giant in a cave mish ugh...they ought to go SMALL (the Atom and the Wasp made it work if you are a comic genre type). A Gear sized tank would be a riot.

Electric hammer is not much diff from the mace, easy for them to mix and match electric graphics.

New is good but I see lazy good a lot of times from the developers. Sad, wish the brains behind Faultline and STF etc had the go-go juice for things like this. If it is the same people, well then it stinks of corporate PR Push for Product Promotions Post Production. Poop. Oh well something is better than nothing. I hope shield makes it, a nice refreshing change. All the others will just be a color clash aura with my costumes. Metro sexual moment, sorry. Hmm I had a bad day of teaming, it shows in my gloomy post. Bah humbug.

Azrhiaz said...

They actually reopened it. They must have heard you.

Go here

Chaud Woman said...

Woot...I'd love to see the Duel blades. Oh...I need more toon slots. lol Many of the secondarys seemed a bit like old ones renamed. Be nice to have shields, but thinking the work it would take is to much for them to bother with. Growth and vibrate sound odd, how are they planning on doing those? Still think the ultimate girl toon would have hair holds primary and PMS as a secondary (think ultra SS with major rage :) )

Colder said...

Growth would be cool but probably won't happen. Too many clippping problems would arise from it.

The Electric Hammer might be neat as long as it was a pure energy and not a metal hammer with the electric effects.

Personally, I'm a big fan of Density Control powers in comics and would love to see it but I don't know who cool it would look.

Shields would be nice and if it takes longer for the Devs to code it...who cares!!! I'd rather wait longer for something cool than have something mediocre quickly.

Garl said...

As far as scrappers go I would actually like to see power suits. This would apply to blasters as well but for them would have a diferent feel/look. Imagine a scrapper where his powers come out of the suit sort of like War Machine from Marvel. A short range gun, a punching bag on a extendo thingy... whatever. I think that could be cool. It would make a good defensive powerset too for obvious reasons. I would also like to see a shape change power set that got different forms that allowed different abilities. Turn into a gorilla with a good punch, dragon with a breath weapon, and such. That all being said I actually haven't voted. I just figure all these ideas are out there anyways.

Lady Dark Star said...

While I agree shield would be fun just think of the primaries with it...only half can actually work as is with one arm taken holding a shield (katana, broadsward, martial arts). The rest (dark melee, spines, claws) would require new animations just for that combo, or they would just look silly. I think that and the time taken to code it means we probably won't ever see it.

Chaud Woman said...

I agree spines would look stupid with a shield. I think it should only be an option with those things it could work with..swords etc..other than that it should be greyed out, not that they would do that...but I can dream. :)

Lots of those sets would probably be neat, but with only a name and no real description of what the powerset will entail it's really hard to vote. :(