Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A recap of the events the weekend of June 1-3 are as follows:
Click here to find out how to get on the Test server!
Friday, June 1st
Kickoff Party in Pocket D @ 6 pm pacific/9 pm eastern
Come join us for a bit of fun in Pocket D. Friday's events will be covered by Woot radio and there will special appearances by Lighthouse and ExLibris! There will be yellow titles given away as well as some CoX swag raffles!
Siren's Call Brawl @ 7pm PST/10pm EST
After the Kickoff Party, we will make haste to Siren's Call to kick the bejesus out of each other. This promises to be a smackdown of all smackdowns and you never know exactly who is going to show up to stomp on your face! ExLibris and Lighthouse wlll be in attendance for sure so make sure to come out and let them know how you feel about them moderating your last post!
Saturday, June 2nd
Lethal Lottery on Test
Noon PST/3 pm EST (lvl 22-27 ex-ing allowed)
& 7 pm PST/10 pm EST (lvl 40+)
This will be a Lethal Lottery of epic proportions! This will be a random draw for teams and there'll be prizes for the winners!
Sunday, June 3rd
Showcase 8x8 Event
Some of the top PvP teams we have on CoX will be showcasing their talents in the Pocket D arena so we encourage you to come down, observe the matches and check out their mad skills. We have also opened it up to those stout-hearted enough to want to try their mettle against them!
Please visit me in Pocket D (main dance floor) to talk more about Uprising or the PvPEC! Thanks!
I will be attending most of the events on Test this weekend. I will also be giving Ahne Toreph a spin in the Lethal Lottery Saturday night. I will be helping run the Lethal Lottery at noon as well and if you wanted a more casual event, this one is the one to attend. I have a few people on board to join me (like Deep, Violet, and Zero perhaps) so hopefully the rest of Debt Brigade will come out and support the event.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Stateman's Taskforce: Part the First

Any good hero knows that a challenge, no matter what its size or scope, must be met with a steely resolve and brazen defiance. With the advent of Issue 9 a challenge of immense proportions was unveiled.
And the Debt Brigade rose to the challenge. How’d we do?
Look Ma, I can see the debt cap from here!
The Devs sure weren’t fooling around when they set out to make a taskforce to challenge level 50 heroes. We discovered that the Statesman Taskforce calls for a fair amount of finesse and thinking while still providing a huge amount of smash-em-up slugfest fun.
For the first foray against Lord Recluse and his minions, the Brigade assembled in Independence Port and sallied forth to wreck some havoc in Grandville. And if it’s anything the Brigade knows, it’s havoc.

Anyone who wants a band-aid, raise your hand.
The first directive involved a search and destroy mission in the heart of the Fab, a neighborhood deep in the wilds of Grandville in the Rouge Isles. The Debt Brigade gleefully set to destroying Arachnos equipment and introducing Arachnos troops to the substandard healthcare prevalent in the area. Matters went quite smoothly, resources were rendered into their most natural states and Arbiter Sands, who was looking for a good cappuccino, was given a sound concussion.
Returning to Independence Port, Taskforce Guardian re-supplied and was promptly sent after the mad Doctor Aeon, who was responsible for the technologies in Lord Recluse’s latest scheme. Guardian fought it’s way through a force of Arachnos troops only to discover it had been routed to a potential future where Lord Recluse had re-decorated Atlas Plaza in something that should have been described as “Post Modern Trailer Park.” You’d think with Arachnos’ defense budget, someone would remember to buy a crate of brooms.
The next mission was rather familiar for anyone who had done the villain’s respec trial, clear out the Vines and steal the power of the Vine Tree to penetrate Aeon’s defenses. A mild Circle of Thorns snack as a palate cleanser and Taskforce Guardian promptly stripped the Tree of defenders, played a quick game of Weedwhacker and plundered, ahem, liberated the power of the Thorn Tree for the betterment of all Paragon City…
Thursday, May 24, 2007
It Begins! No One is Neutral
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
New Power Sets? :squeal:
Then go here and click what defensive sets you'd most like to see!
Wow, that would freshen up the game considerably! At least hero-side. I can hear the villains boo-hooing already.
Good news, Uprising from the PvPEC will be held in early June! It'll be on test however, and some prizes are to be had. More on this later! Thursday night at 7pm Pacific, Brawl for It All in Recluse's Victory! Don't miss the beat down!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Roll Call...

...for Ice Mistral Strike Force!
(That is 3:30 pm PST for you gamer civilians out on the hippie coast)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Cap
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Warburg Brawl - Tonight @ 6 pm Pacific
I'll be on Ahne Toreph, so hurry up and get on his team! :smile:
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mask Maker Badge!
My psi dom has picked up the Facemaker Chemical mission. It grants the Mask Maker badge. Anyone missing it or any raving completists out there, let me know. I'll hold it for a week or so.
Failure Suits You, Hero

I am happy however that I was finally able to knock out all my RV sig villain badges though. :)
Sister Pysche (20-25 for xp) TF, Saturday at 1 pm pacific. RSVP.
Friday, May 11, 2007
STF and PvP 101
Incidently a few people mentioned wanting to put a Capture the Flag team together. We need 5. I can't be one since I'm officiating, but sign up in the comments. Moon Freeze might put up a rare recipe or an HO.
This is who we have for the STF:
Tanks: Cap, Mrs. K (or baba, whoever they prefer)
Blasters: Colder, WT, Tzadkiel,
Trollers: Lumeir, Chynna
Megeara would also like to participate, and we have a backup in Incredible Sam. However more than 2 tanks is well, not good, so if Cap/Baba/Mrs. K can bring someone else, that'd be great.
We are doing this at 3 pm pacific. Please be on time AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL SET OF SHIVANS!!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Statesman TF part 3

Well, gonna try and set this up again for Sunday at 3 pm Pacific. Let's try to make a more optimal team this time. I'm thinking we can bring a tank, an emp, 3 blasters, 2 trollers, and a scrap? Baba will be coming and I can bring either Lumeir or Azrhiaz. I've asked Earl and Duchas if they'd like to come hold our hands since they've been successful at it.
Shivans are required so be prepared to go get some.
Trollers: Baba, Lumeir
Blasters: Millie, Colder
Scrap: Chaud

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
If you are interested!
Siren's Call Brawl Thursday night at 6 pm pacific. Casual zone event. We had over 35 people in Bloody Bay and everyone had a great time so come on out!
PvP 101 Seminar - Held this Friday in Pocket D Monkey Bar @ 6 pm pacific. This will be geared to beginners and novices and taught by a pro PvPer. Lecture, Q&A and some demonstrations will be included.
Oh and don't forget about the Invention Request board in the links to the right if you are looking for anything!
I can smell Victory...

The flyer was pointless to take out with our team...No Blasters = major pain to defeat it. I really liked this team set, but we needed Blasters bad. If we had some AoEs for the tower, I think we would have dropped it. Our team vowed to log off then try again today, hopefully everyone makes it.
I want to try again this weekend with our Coalition buddies, I forgot the times we talked about, Az do you remember?
Load up on Shivs and Nukes, they do make a difference. Save the shivs until last, they proved invaluable in tackling the tower.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Grand Poo Bah Massacre in Grandville
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Task Force Time!

Judging by the comments made in the last post, Friday seems like a good day to help ol'States out.
Is everyone cool with Friday 5 pacific? I'm pretty flexible Friday so I'm down for almost any time. I went with 5 pacific because Chaud mentioned she has nothing going on after that but I'd be down to start earlier (like 2 pacfic) if we could make it happen. If not, 5 is good for me.
Just a reminder the BB Brawl is tonight. There is also a Warburg Capture the Flag planned for Sunday at noon pacific, if there are 5 of you who would like to represent DB/coalies that would be awesome! Find the details here
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I'm Rich!
When are we doing STF? Tonight? :)
Oh btw, there is a forum for invention requests over in the links to the right. If we can help each other out with salvage or recipes, that'd be great.