Monday, March 13, 2006

Salvage Me

Alas, the sweet chill of Las Vegas is behind me and the only money I brought home with me was....well, I actually *didn't bring any money home with me. The concert was good, the alcohol was flowing and the company couldn't be better. But back to reality now, and that's not quite as um....good.

Anyhoo, how did the Numina TF go? I was hoping to log in and find our saving account ready to burst into the new plot size. But we ARE getting close though! If you missed it, remember this Saturda, 3/18 we will be running the Positron TF at 11 am PST. This is level 10-16 and starts in Steel Canyon. It should take about 3-5 hours to complete, so get comfy and have beverages at hand!

So since I started rambling on about SG matters, I thought I'd continue on with it. Just so everyone is on the same page and if you didn't know already. We are saving our prestiege to move into a bigger more comfortable dwelling. From there, we will be again saving to put down a few crafted items that have been collecting dust in my personal inventory. We have pushed our generator and our databases as far as they will go at this point, so therefore, if we want to place any more defense items (for our eventual (in a LONG time) foray into raids) or the bigger worktables, we need more power and more control. Our next placement will be the turbine generator I have. That will cost about 1.5 million. Following that, the medium database which costs a little over a million. We should be set for a good while after that. And you wonder why I yell about running in SG mode! JUST DO IT! lmao

As far as salvage and crafting goes, I encourage you to either give magic/mutant salvage to me (Azrhiaz) or science/tech stuff to Lost Senpai. HOWEVER! If you want to take part in building stuff, please do. Keep in mind, if you build any control or power items, they will have to be tech based. Defense items can be anything. If you have built something and wish to place it, please ask before doing so. It costs a lot of money to put items down and if we need to delete it, all your salvage will be lost!

I also recommend that when you combine salvage, you start on the more advanced table first (the bigger one). Currently we only have the small and medium tables down. You can hold a lot more combined salvage also! In the next issue, I hear we will be getting places to store salvage, so that will be nice since some of us are pretty full!

I have heard some say they have built the SG computer, and a freeze turret. If you have built stuff, please list it here if you want to post, or email me and I will post it for you. No sense making duplicates! As I said before, I have a turbine generator and a medium sized database.

Hopefully I will see you on Saturday or before! Run in SG mode! ::nag nag:: If you are worried about not having enough influence for your next upgrade, please contact Azrhiaz or Chaud Woman. We are the sugar mommas of the group and would love to help you out.


1 comment:

Azrhiaz said...

You don't have your 12 million anymore?? Geez, keeping tech in those fancy designer clothes must be draining you dry! :D

We can always run a 50 level mish and make a couple 100k for anyone who needs it :D

Too bad about the TF. Positron should be fun though!