Alright all, I need some help. I, like Baba, am going to try entering the Character Creator contest. As some may know, Melqar was found in a slab of ice in Greenland. Scientists were fascinated by his appearance so they brought him back to life. Boy was he pissed....
So I've been trying to get some action shots of him. Ebon was kind enough to let me use the "Defeat Archdemon" mission a few times and out of a bazillion pictures, the two following are what I came up with. Which should I use or should I go back and try again?

I like the bottom one, great angle and action, the pose of Melqie and the scientist backs up the story, rage and fear!
You know you build one hundred bridges and your a bridge maker, you fall in the lava ONE time and your a...
I like the foot stomp pic...MELQIE SMASH!!!
Here's hoping either one of you take home the top prize!
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