Friday, July 18, 2008

3 DB'ers in one place! O RLY?

Hey gang. If you've noticed, I've been absent lately from Paragon City. Well, I'm pretty scarce as it is so maybe no one noticed :P

Anyhoo, I was out in Los Angeles for E3 and Az was gracious enough to let me take up valuable space on her couch for the week. Awww...what a great SG leader!

It was great to finally meet Az and Deep also made a trip down to see everyone's favorite ice blaster. Good times...and bonus points to Deep for buying me a shot and the three of us dinner! Hmmm...I think someone is looking for a SG promotion...

Seriously though, a big thanks to Az for her hospitality and a big kudos to Deep for making the drive down. I know a bunch of you DB'ers live in California so next time, I demand that you drop everything on your schedule just to see and appease me :D

Colder, Azrhiaz, and Deep. What a fine looking group but damnit, I wanted to be the only Asian in the SG! Boooo!


Ebon Mauler said...

Man I sooo wish I could have been there. Glad to hear it was a blast. Next time have a brewsky for your favorite tank :)


Azrhiaz said...

It was great having you! I hope you saw enough of L.A. between the convention and my having to work to make it worthwhile.

Thanks to Deep for making the drive up from Orange County and being so generous (as he always is).

When's the next DB get-together? Can anyone say Vegas? :D

Baba Kanoosh said...

What??? No photos of Colder in his Batman undies crashed on the couch???