Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Gravity Storm!

Hey gang!

I'm thinking of making a Grav/Storm Controller for Vi's SG Big Cheese. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or info to share on the set.

I know Baba has Gravity and Az has an Earth/Storm. Does anyone have any wisdom to pass along? What powers are staples? Which ones should I avoid?


Azrhiaz said...

There isn't a bad power in /storm. The only one I don't have is Thunderclap. It's a AOE disorient. If I had room, I'd keep it, but I didn't.

Garl said...

hey Colder, talk to Ebon/Polar Gale/any of his millions of alts. I am pretty sure he has a grav troller and another troller with /storm. He knows the skinny on both powers.

Lady Dark Star said...

Both powersets are great, just have to make sure you really like them. Here are specifics I found for each:


Crush - never been a fan of single target immobs so didn't take it

Lift - pretty good damage and a nice soft hold

Gravity Distortion - nice hold, not as long as earth but longer than mind

Propel - slow animation and messy for those with graphics turned up but great damage

Crushing Field - nice AoE immob and works great with wormhole

Dimension Shift - I took it first time around but found its use few and far inbetween

Wormhole - nice disorient although can be hard to learn to control so the baddies don't fly everywhere (aim down at ground if possible)

Singularity - I didn't much care for this pet, uses lift, crush, and gravity distortion mainly and only focuses on one bad guy until he is dead


Gale - you'll have to take it so no use discussing its usefulness

O2 Boost - it's a life saver for many teams but if you take it be prepared to be a main healer many times

Snow Storm - the animation is rough on computers but the effects of this are great

Steamy Mist - provides a nice stealth as well as a reasonably good def/res buff

Freezing Rain - the duration of this is shorter than ice slick and the effect isn't as accurate but the -def of it is great

Hurricane - great power when soloing or on small squishy teams but not always useful when teamed with a reasonably good tank

Thunder Clap - nice disorient and a good complement to freezing rain

Tornado - has a good disorient effect and damage but will cause chaos beyond belief, only good some of the time like hurricane (AVs being one of them)

Lightning Storm - nice damage and knockdown, the range is pretty good too although the lack of movement hurts on fast teams, recharge is pretty quick

I would think you want most of the gravity set (Crush and Dimension Shift being optionals in my opinion) and as for the storm set I would pick what you like out of it. You probably won't have time for both freezing rain and thunder clap with your other control powers so probably just take one (freezing rain doesn't require a acc check so that may be a wiser use of slots). All the toggles are nice to have but take into account that hurricane has a very high end use and steamy mist and snow storm along with it are rough. All in all it will be a really fun combo I think but just realize you will be hard pressed to solo with it, the damage just isn't there and even your pet can't compensate for that.

Azrhiaz said...

I think if he goes grav/storm he might have some difficulty soloing but i didn't at all with Stoney.

Fire (imps), illusion (phantasm), or ice (jack) might be better choices that gravity if you are looking to solo easily.

PS: LSS, where HAVE you been! Granny misses you!

Baba Kanoosh said...

Grav offers two whiz bang powers...Propel, mainly for looks and humor...decent damage is about all. Wormhole is a nice mob AoE with good recharge rates properly slotted. The area Grav field, like all Controller AoEs holds now, are debatable for the slotting and effort. The hold is limited, the return is often not that great (the AoE holds can be less than a minute depending on the enemy).

The individual hold is nice and with containment, make propel all the more lethal.

All the other powers are slow, immobilize or a lift (reverse knockback basically, or ready ladies? knockedup. ba dum bum.) Personally I found having AoE immoblize just aggro'd a mob at me. If they had ranged attacks, I was toast. I skip any immob power if I can now, even with my dominators on the dark side.

As for the singularity pet, without mine, my 'troller would still be a lvl 35. I solo'd a bit, or just did a few small team mishes alot. The sing kept alot of baddies in check. To say it attacks only one foe isn't quite true. It goes after whatever you haven't held yet. So if you are doing a lot of aoes, it does tend to park and watch. It has a repel which is nice, any melee types will be sent flying trying to get close to it.

I will be honest...before the AoE hold nerf, Baba would lock down many, many mobs and send them packing. Now he is more of an empath as the grav set is a bit dull. I dropped as many of the grav powers as I could. While I tried to whiddle away on foes, teammates would be smashing them silly. So I took only holds and disorients when I could, scrappers love a sitting target. I love propel...the variety of things thrown are fun. But as a powerhouse 'troller goes, the Grav set is meh. I have seen many other 'troller mains that simply shine far brighter.