Monday, February 19, 2007

Lord Recluse Strike Force

C'mon and lets make this official, the big daddy-o of them all is ON Sunday Feb 25 5ish PST - at last count from what I gathered from Az is:

Dark Tzadkiel
Thundar v2
Chaud (something French)
Chili Penguin

We have still have slots ready to go and if time's an issue, we can hash that out during the week. I think I can get Darknacht ss/drk brute (Ame's husband) to join too.



Azrhiaz said...

I think they had enough of you, that's for sure! :)

I talked to JC'Angelo. He said he'll try to make it with his rad/kin.

Cap said...

I can try, my boss is a sadist who thinks working weekends is a good thing....but I can try to be there.

at this point, I can't really garantee anything tho :( but I will try

Tatankasa said...

I just wanted to make sure whether this is on triumph server or guardian server, I have villians and heros mostly on the guardian server. so also, if any of you have any toons over there that needs infamy, please let me know and i'll hook you up. Thanks guys.

Azrhiaz said...

This is on Triumph. But I have a host of villains on Guardian. I think I may hit you up on that offer!! :)

Tatankasa said...

Np Az, next time we're both on, invite to global, and next time your on guardian (villian side), look for stone's embrace.

Chaud Woman said...

I'm in, with Chaud something french :D

Tantakasa we have some villians over on Guardian, you'll have to join us sometime! :)