Friday, February 02, 2007

Costume Contest!! Design the SG Uniform!

Well Meg got the ball rolling on this one so here we go! Now that we are a top SG on Triumph, it's time to start representing ourselves around Paragon City. When we walk by, people will gape, tremble and admire us! "They belong to the Debt Brigade! I'm so jealous!" will surely follow your every move!

SG Uniform Contest Details
In the character creator (DO NOT ACTUALLY BUY THE COSTUME!!), please design an official uniform! Take a screen shot of the front and the back and make sure that the type and styles are noted. You wlll be choosing pieces for these areas:


The rest will be customizable by the toon. Therefore, you can choose your own style of boots, gloves, belt, headgear. Do not submit uniforms that have capes, auras, wings, trenchcoats. Just the basics as we will only be looking at the three main pieces. Do not use a character that look like yours! Anonymous please!

The costume must have our team colors of red and black.
The costume must include the DB logo.
The costume must be available to all players, so do not use options like Justice, Samurai, epaulets, santa hats etc. Make sure the option is available for both male and female toons.
You must have a toon in DB (or DBR) that has earned at least 1000 prestiege.

Limit of 3 submissions per person. Send pictures to this email and I will assemble them anonymously on a webpage for all to see, comment and vote on. In the event of a tie, the Grand Poo Bahs will make the final decision.

What You Win
The creator of the official SG uniform will win:

60 Days of Free Game Time (2 months worth! woot!)
One Million Influence (or Infamy if you prefer)

Serial codes will be sent via email so if you are not willing to give that out, you only get the influence!

Happy Creating All! Deadline for entries will be Valentine's Day (February 14th, 2007)

BTW, the Debt Brigade Reserve is now up and running. To put your inactive, non prestiege earning toons in, contact @chaud woman, @azrhiaz, or @tech-blade to get invited. You will be coallied with DB and will have access to the inspir dispenser and all the TPers. You are welcome to move toons back into the main group at any time or for raids. Please remember our inactive kick policy is 30 days in DB, so if you are having to log a toon in do so, or move them into DBR (where there is no kick policy)


Megeara said...


I was almost done with the write ups! Fashion show commentary and everything! You know how hard it is for a guy to sound like a runway announcer!?!


Azrhiaz said...

I thought you'd be a natural. If you want, we can add them onto the page when all the entries are in?

Chaud Woman said...

Also, cap was nice enough to coal us with PDC so we have the use of their vast array of TPers too. :)

Megeara said...


If you insist. :)

*whiny pout off*