...the stench of robot exhaust.
But Doc Technophilia has finally popped the big 50!
Lordy, has that been a long time coming.
Now, what kinda baddie epic to make... Any suggestions?
Also, for a change of pace, Meg needs an number of taskforce badges. They include Imperious, Lady Grey, and all of the Ourubourous taskforces. Along with such sundry things such as the Shadow Shard task forces, and ,ahem, Positron and his lowbie Death/Debt March. Yes, I've been slacking, sue me. Life ain't fair right now.
Any takers for a poor ice/mace tank looking to add to her badge collection? :)
Megeara/Doctor Technophilia
Congrats Meg! That's awesome. Yeah a MM's trek to 50 kinda leaves you not wanting to raise and buff a minion EVER again.
I'm down for whatever. I was thinking maybe sometime soon we can do a LRSF with our new villain 50s....
Man, i hate not having been there. Meg sure makes hot looking Masterminds. We will be moving into our house hopefully around the 6th of September. I figure the week after, Ishall be exhausted and needing a break and will resume my gaming in earnest. Unless of course I get sent somewhere where I may be able to play at odd hours. Until then if I see you on I will try to get it going.
I know my wife, Planty Girl, Brick Fist (Electron Kid), Boy Usagi, and I flopped at the LRSF and would love to give it a go again. I can bring Planty Man or Mars as needed. Az, look at our builds and see what we need to make it a winning combo.
Doc Technophelia, Bot/Bubble (?) MM
Planty Girl, Plant/ICE dom
Brick Fist, SS/Invul(?) Brute
Boy Usagi, (?)/Kinetic, Corrupter
Planty Man, Plant/Thorn dom or Mars Bringer of War Ninja/TA MM
and all of Az's options in Brutes and MMs and VEATS and huff huff huff...
Gratz Meg :D
getting a villian to 50 is way harder than getting a hero there.
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