Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Intro to Base Raids

Electrified Polar Gale on Synapse TF

Well I can't imagine most of us need an introductory class on base raiding. However, the PvPEC will be hosting a number of classes on the Test server. So if you know someone on live who would enjoy something like this (:cough: Bull) or you have a new toon you are dying to see how they perform, sign on up! I won't tell anyone you aren't a newb! :)

Intro to Base Raids official thread


Ebon Mauler said...

Gee thanks for posting THAT pick from the tf. Couldn't have shown one of me trying to save one of the psychotic blasters backsides with my puny heal eh? ;)

Wish I could check out the base raid thing but too busy atm. Anyone who does go to it let me know how it goes. I'm very interested to see what the teams consist of.

Colder said...

I'll try to make some of the events...there's still a lot to learn on my end!

Foolish Fire (Illu/Storm) just hit 13 and I want to get him higher for PVP...anyone up for helping about my lowbie sometime this week?

Baba Kanoosh said...

Colder what time do you get on these days...I don't see you too often when I am on.

Colder said...

I haven't been on lately due to work and whatnot but I'm usually on 7 or 8 pacific time when I do manage to log on. I usually stay for an hour or two at the most given that I'm on Atlantic time (4 hours ahead! OMG!) and I work the next day!

Damn you west coasters!! :P

Lady Dark Star said...

I should be on around that time most of this week and next so if you see me on holler and we'll get you some levels.

Azrhiaz said...

Well gee, here I was thinking I was incredibly awesome for posting a picture of someone other than myself! :)

Thurrisaz is currently at 14 so it sounds like we'll be running lowbies! Wheee!

The only condition I have is that Colder has to get a new costume! :)

Baba Kanoosh said...

Colder I am on East Coast time, might be able to hook you up...what is the name of your new toon? Mine is on a new acct so may not have you on global, wife and I bounce between lvl'ing my raid toon and getting our villains to 50.

Baba Kanoosh said...

Duh. Read the fine print on the pic. I used to be a bit more aware of my world. With my advancing age, I fear the onset of...huh what was I talking about?

Ebon Mauler said...

Yeah you probably have that pic posted on your wall so you may giggle at it from time to time XD

Hit me up to if im online colder. I have a couple of toons in the lowbie range.

Colder said...

Global is @Colder

Toon is Foolish Fire

Yes Az, I agree...hitting the random toon generator is never a great idea for a toon you will actually keep lol

As someone astutely pointed out, it looks like he's going bald due to the color shading on his head!

I'll try to be on tonight and Thurs. I'm not making any promises but it looks pretty clear.