Once upon a time there were these 8 villains who had dreams of sugar plums and Malta drops in their heads...

Now as villain groups go, this one was quite PUG-ly. And we know what happens in PUG-ly little groups of villains. Someone quits when you need 'em most. So without a RAD to hang their hat on, this PUG-ly group of villains fought on to their dream quest, knowing that fate was about to take a dump on their retirement plans.
They traveled far and wide. They even traveled into the future...
High my name is Planty, I like long walks on the beach, toons that don't quit in the middle of TFs, and hiding BEHIND the Hero's nasty Rain of Arrows.
...And faced many a foe.
They fought them all with valor and vigor. Many times, they did not succeed, lacking RAD-ical methods to DEBUFF their obstacles before them.

...Count the upright Heroes and then count the fallen Villains. COUNT THEM HA.HA.HAAAA.They traveled far and wide. They even traveled into the future...

...And faced many a foe.
They fought them all with valor and vigor. Many times, they did not succeed, lacking RAD-ical methods to DEBUFF their obstacles before them.

Facing their final battle with such lack of power but no lack of SASS, they flaunted their best ASSets to their foes...

We had fun but when the rad corruptor busted out the "wife aggro sry GTG," well the end was closer than the finish line. But we did well minus any solid debuff toon. Shout out to those who stayed, Brick Fist, Khoren, Boy Usagi, Planty Man, Planty Girl, Hoezai, and Seismic ummm...somethingor other (sry cant remember his last name lol).