It's the 5th anniversary of City of Heroes and there's been a lot announced over the last few days to commemorate it! Yesterday, the developers were online spawning GMs and giving out gold titles. As of today, the 5th year badge will be awarded (per toon, so log all the ones you want to have it in in the next couple weeks).
They are having a t-shirt/logo contest for it! There's some good prizes so I might be entering myself! Find details here!
Or you can make a video for their COH Homage Contest. Find details here!
They have also announced Issue 15 will be hitting beta very soon. The title of this issue is Anniversary. It's appropriate because it's their annual issue of jack squat: some new costume pieces/face textures, a TF, a SF, and the return of the villain group, the 5th Column. Woo hoo. :( Find Positron's address here or you can go here for all the official overview on Issue 15 here.
There's been some awesome architect stuff going on by our group! Go to the end of this post for a listing of those that I was able to find in the MA search function!

#49283 Strange Lands - Divine Angel - Euw! What IS infesting the sewers and can you save us from them?
#28383 TW Drama - Baba Kanoosh - a fun romp through the LOLz of what you sometimes see on our favorite channel
#14582 Getting the Band Back Together - Baba Kanoosh - Will dead musicians get to renew their contract at your expense?
#63934 - Creatures of the Night - Divine Angel - a personal favorite. Get ready to get wrecked by the dead!
#122814 - The Chip - Ruby (aka shaolinmonk) - there's new technology and everyone wants it! Fun stuff here too!
#1367 - It's All Just a Game - Kyatt (aka leakydawg) - Can 3 real life guys defeat you in your virtual environment? Whee!
#36822 - Dead Men Tell No Tales - Kyatt - Ooo! Pirates!
#71800 - Animal Farm - Frankie Foster (baba) - Poor Farmer John's farm has gone crazy! I give this shortie 5 stars!
#122711 - My BFF Frostfire - Planty Girl - What's Frostfire like at 50? hmmm
#72104 - Bingo Riot - Electron Kid - Hell's broken out at the casino!
#102598 - Badgeapalooza - Electron Kid - work on your glowie, rescue, destroy object badges in this easy-breezy mission
#95713 - The Red List - Ebon (black praetor) - Someone's kidnapped SG members! What evil is this?!
#22832 - And Hell Hath No Fury - Azrhiaz - The rival gang of the Knives of Artemis have come to call. Will you aid the Knives or be the instrument of their destruction?